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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mild Superpowers

I think this is really interesting. The Dilbert guy asks people what their mild superpowers are. Apparently a lot of people can wake up seconds before their alarm goes off or can make streetlights go out.

I saw one other person(So far, there's a lot of comments) who has mine. No matter what store I am in, no matter how many items people have, whatever line I choose to stand in is ALWAYS the longest one. Even if I switch to another line because it's suddenly jumped 5 spaces, that line then becomes the longest one. Suddenly the cashier will need to call for change or they will switch cash registers or they will need an exceptionally long price check.

I think one of Tom's would be that he is very good at telling you exactly what year a song came out. It's annoying sometimes. He's also pretty good at telling you what group is playing just by the sound of the singer's voice (even if it's a song he's never heard).


Star-Crossed Pimp said...

I don't think Tom's is a superpower, that's just a strong knowledge of music. Know enough bands and even if you haven't heard a particular song, you'll recognize the voice by whatever song you have heard.

Jamie said...

i can put a lot of songs with the movie that they are in. i'm kinda proud of that since my memory stinks otherwise. i also will wake up minutes before the alarm clock, its very annoying!

sajmom said...

It's kind of a MILD superpower if it's something you don't have to try for. He doesn't try to memorize the years songs belong to, he just remembers that weird fact. And if you have any idea how bad his mememory is, you would know how truly amazing that is!