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Monday, February 18, 2008

First foods-belated

From about two weeks ago-Jacob's first try of solids, bannanas. He liked it but was more interested in playing with the spoon and bowl. As you can see, the exema is still really really bad, though currently it's a little better than in the pictures.
As Aunt Cindy says, he really was the poster child for breastfeeding-no solids whatsoever until almost 7 months old, all breastmilk and in the 90s percentile-wise for weight! So beautifully chubby!!


Sue said...

Steph, wasn't Leanna older than him when you put her on solids? I thought she was.

sajmom said...

Yup, she was 7 months old. But I still maintain that she would have been fine if I had waited until she was closer to a year old. I caved to pressure. She really didn't take to them until that point anyway.

sajmom said...

(Leanna wasn't as chubby though, she hovered around the 75th percentile for the first 9-12 months or so. That's why I say Jacob would be the poster child, not her. People sometimes think a baby couldn't possibly get all their nutrition from breastmilk and still be that chubby and healthy. She was certainly beautiful too though!)

Sue said...

Why didn't you wait with Jacob, until he was a year old, like you wanted to do with Leanna. I rreally thought that was how you did it after Leanna.

sajmom said...

Because I don't use an arbitrary date, I wait until they seem ready for it. Justin also started at 7 months, but I later found out that was when I got pregnant with Timothy, so my milk supply started to lessen as a result. So I guess I accurately read his needs! It just comes down to this-I suspected Jacob was ready so we started. Not really as big a deal as all this seems, LOL.