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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Blue eyed people have a single common ancestor

Kinda interesting......


Jamie said...

thats neat steph! have you ever heard about how people with "negative" blood are supposed to be decedent from adam and eve. if you google it you will see a bunch of different sites that talk about it. kinda interesting!!

sajmom said...

I hadn't heard the Adam and Eve one-I thought everyone was supposed to be decendant from Adam and Eve?

Jamie said...

if i remember reading it correctly, Eve was supposed to have ended up having more children with a man from an "outside clan" and therefor tainting the "perfect blood." The negative blood people are true relatives of the children from Adam and Eve. Some say her real sin was adultery...i sure hope i didn't open a can of worms here!!

click here

sajmom said...

Interesting....I'd still like to hear more about who the other people were that the article states were here along with Adam and Eve (but not related to them). I'm AB positive, which I was told was the rarest blood type and that it meant I could take anyone's blood-it looks like it's saying that is not the case?

sajmom said...

About the blue-eyed people article-If the genetic switch being shut off turns off the ability to produce brown eyes(more melatonin) than how do you get people like me who actually have blue-grey eyes? Mine switch color to varying degrees, depending on my mood. I wonder if the study results would hold true if performed in all major countries, not just European.

sajmom said...

About the blue-eyed people article-If the genetic switch being shut off turns off the ability to produce brown eyes(more melatonin) than how do you get people like me who actually have blue-grey eyes? Mine switch color to varying degrees, depending on my mood. I wonder if the study results would hold true if performed in all major countries, not just European.