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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

So I was reading the Dilbert blog-I check in every now and then-and he posted about our founding fathers' ideals, with regards to the original discussion on torture of terrorists. Reading the comments is always interesting. As someone pointed out, "keep a close eye on how the government treats foreigners, 'cos almost certainly that's how they'd treat their own citizens, too, if they thought they could get away with it."
Then I read this quote, "As was said in one of the greatest movies of all time (Dazed and Confused), "This summer, when you're being inundated with all of this bicentennial, Fourth of July brouhaha, remember what you're celebrating; that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic white males didn't want to pay their taxes." And it occurred to me that not much has changed, has it? The government is still owned by a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic white males who don't want to pay their taxes. But the slaves aren't all black and they do get a paycheck. They're still slaves though.
Finally, I found this comment humorous, especially in light of people's frequent need to revere the founding fathers. They weren't perfect either:
And let's not forget the drunkeness and fist fights at the Continental Congresses! They put the BUST in Filibuster, baby!
Thus ends my political commentary for the day.

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