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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Channel 69 news

Leanna and Timothy posed as reporters for Channel 69 news today.

Imaginations running wild

Yesterday Justin told me for the second time that he saw WordGirl flying around our house. (but then a few minutes later he finally admitted to me that he was only pretending, "She's not really in our house!" he reassured me.)

Some of the older three's favorite games to play right now include:
*camping--they lay pillows and blankets and sometimes couch cushions on the floor, often around a light and go to sleep and wake up.
*The Slippery Slimey--Someone, always Timthy, I think, is the Slippery Slimey and the others run screaming from it. The slippery slimey chases them, laughing and making scary noises and faces all the while.
*Mommy cat/baby cat--Sometimes this transforms into another animal but it's always a mother/baby combo. Seals, sea creatures, dinosaurs, dolphins, birds
*Husband/wife--this game usually combines with the previous one.

She could probably use some words of comfort

I like the title of this blog: I'll be in the Closet with the Oreos
: )

You can always find someone who has it worse, two of her kids have autism. She has 5 kids and is pregnant with her 6th. My kids are quite a handful, but at least I'm not dealing with TWO with autism on top of that.
I read her story about Walmart with the 17 month old dropping eggs and then the underwear dropping like rose petals, and it sounds very much like trips I have been through.
(Laura, read her story #4, maybe you could offer advice?)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A couple things I ran accross today

This looks like a good idea, I could use one for Jacob! Its jewelry the Mom wears for the baby to chew on. So it doesn't get dropped on the ground, because Mom is wearing it, and it can help keep the child occupied when you need it.

A company that designs kids' rooms. Just neat to look at, I can't see spending the money on them even if you could afford it, but fun to see.

Free night at the fair

Of course, free night is never completely free. Well, rarely free, anyway. We did pay to let the older three try their hand at dart-throwing. Timothy and Justin could barely get the darts to the board(in fact, Timothy's actually bounced off balloons a few times). Justin got very shy and we had to hold him and help his hand throw the dart. Timothy managed to finally hit his last dart and was very pleased with himself. They are each holding their chosen prizes in the pictures. Leanna got her face painted for free, both sides. No one else wanted it done. The ice-cream was from home, too expensive to buy it at the fair.
I'll have to go back, I want to see the elephants, apparently they have the shows at certain times.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yes my hands are full, my heart too

It was funny, I had just mentioned that I worry how it affects the kids to constantly hear that I have my hands full with them. We hear it so often. I know Leanna's at least somewhat aware of it since she's commented before on the subject(when people asked if we were having another baby she later said to me, but how could we have another baby, how would you be able to take care of another baby?). Today I heard proof that Justin's aware as well.
A man stopped us to comment and said his sister has four as well. He said he only had one, and I told him that you just adjust (my grandmother once told me that and I've found it to be true). He then followed us over to the water fountain and started explaing that his sister has trouble, and she's a single Mom. I said well that would be quite difficult. He continued talking about having four kids and Justin (out of nowhere) pipes up with, "Yes, they're all hers!" I thought that was so funny. Although the man actually hadn't asked, people so frequently do. Obviously Justin has paid attention.

Literacy initiative for boys

As a mother of three boys I l0ve the fact that someone's encouraging boys to read. Jon Scieszka, author of some great books like the Stinky Cheese Man and other fairly Stupid Tales has started a program to encourage boys/guys to read. His website
lists some reasons why boys generally aren't as into reading:

• Biologically, boys are slower to develop than girls and often struggle with reading and writing skills early on.

•The action-oriented, competitive learning style of many boys works against them learning to read and write

• Many books boys are asked to read don’t appeal to them. They aren’t motivated to want to read.

•As a society, we teach boys to suppress feelings. Boys aren’t practiced and often don’t feel comfortable exploring the emotions and feelings found in fiction.

• Boys don’t have enough positive male role models for literacy. Because the majority of adults involved in kids’ reading are women, boys might not see reading as a masculine activity.

The website has a place where you can submitt books and they list some guy picks also.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Trying something new

Purple carrots, looked interesting.
Even though I chose to buy this, I still had to make myself try it. I was very afraid. It is good though. Not like my favorite drink ever, but the type that I'd probably get to really like after drinking for a while.
Justin and Timothy really liked it.
Mocha cappucchino and strawberry banana are my favorites though.

Dora's becoming a woman, (or at least a tween)

Ugggh, sometimes I get disgusted with the world. They want more money so they are changing a beloved children's character. I wouldn't mind it if it was about children wanting an older version of a cartoon they loved, but it's really all about money and merchandising.
From Parentdish:

Dora the Explorer may be one of Nickelodeon's most popular characters, but she's no Hannah Montana. Some of us would say that's a good thing, since she is designed to appeal to much younger audience. But, according to a source, the powers that be over at Nickelodeon want to give the bilingual cutie a makeover in an attempt to draw in the older kids.First up for the Dora transformation is a new, feminine look. Maybe put her in a skirt and fix her hair up a little? Add some bows to the backpack and color the map pink? Next, get the girl some human friends. The source says they are considering adding a group of "Explorer Girls" to the animated cast. If these Explorer Girls follow the typical kid's show formula, you can expect a smart one, a pretty one and maybe a prissy one who doesn't like to get dirty.If all that goes well, Dora may soon find herself featured on the big screen. Nickelodeon isn't commenting, but the source says they are considering a full-length feature film featuring Dora as an older kid. "Dora is as popular as she's ever been, and now has a second generation of viewers that we would love to serve," the company said.I sure hope they don't ruin Dora. Sure, my 7-year-old has zero interest in that "baby show" now, but she loved it when she was younger. As do lots of little kids today. Does everything have to be about appealing to the tween audience these days?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Barbie rod catches record fish and more

Clue Updated!

They got rid of the lead pipe, revolver, and wrench!

In the new version of Clue, your favorite characters have had a little work done.
Their last names remain the same, but their first names and bios have been updated.
For example, Miss Scarlet is now Kasandra Scarlet, a famous actress often featured in tabloids. And Mr. Green is now Jacob Green, an African-American "with all the ins."
Colonel Mustard is now Jack Mustard, a former football player. And, the Professor is now Victor Plum, a billionaire video game designer.
Each character also now has a special power that could help players discover clues more quickly. Game maker Hasbro has also added more 'weapons', up from six to nine.
The candlestick, knife and rope remain, but now weapon choices include a dumbbell, trophy or poison.
The lead pipe, revolver and wrench are no longer part of the game.
New rooms have been included as well. There's now a theater, spa and guest house nearby.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A few more quotes

From Colin Brazier's think tank study:
When the renowned biographer Lady
Longford was asked why she had eight children,
her answer was, in part, ‘curiosity’. Her children
were strikingly different examples of humanity and
she could scarcely wait to see the next.
The parents of large families come to recognise
that not all their offspring can, or should be, top of
the class. Conversely, they can afford to be more
cavalier since they are likely to find at least one
naturally-gifted scholar in their brood. As motherof-
four and author of the Parent Trap Maureen
Freely wrote: ‘You might still be trying to live out
your fantasies through them, but that still means
fewer fantasies per child.’73

Poetry School

Leanna composed a poem today, and was quite proud of it. She said she should find a poetry school to go to.

Leanna's Poem:

Peanut butter smooth
Jelly too and milk too
With chocolate milk and
Bippity boppity boo!

(*her spelling was, ah, a bit unique though)

Too much of a good thing

Leanna told me tonight that one day when she was four years old, a fairy or witch came and zapped her with their magic wand. Yellow stuff went all around her. And after that she was never able to eat a whole lot of stuffing, even though she really really likes it. It just makes her want to throw up now if she eats more than a little.
When asked why a fairy or witch would visit her just to change her stuffing-eating abilities, she said she didn't know. All-righty then.

Colin Brazier

I'm fairly certain no one but me reads the large family stuff I post here, but some of it can be applied to smaller families and is really quite fascinating. As I've said before, the internet gives a constant bombardment of people who find it a selfish choice and feel you are depriving their offspring of nature's bounty. Apparently this man named Colin Brazier, a father-of-five, decided to go on the attack, and took five years to compile info and wrote a report. It claims that the middle-classes are made to feel guilty about the impact on the environment and the damage to their careers if they have large numbers of babies and that this "anti-natal" prejudice against large families is misplaced, however, and that young people who have lots of brothers and sisters grow up happier and better-adjusted than only children.

From one of the articles referring to that study I came across this quote, which I love:

"Each throw of the genetic dice is a new adventure, a fascinating individual, another sometimes tiresome, usually loveable bundle of strengths and weaknesses. I didn't plan to have so many; I just couldn't bear to stop." Cassandra Jardine

That is a good summation of why I always love having another child.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Drunk Driving

This is from a comment left from the post below this one. I thought it was important enough to copy here. I wouldn't have been aware of this, and it's horrible that one innocent mistake could devastate someone's life like this. (Don't get me wrong, I understand that one mistake can also kill someone, but it doesn't seem fair either that this could happen.) So many people do this and just aren't caught.

Jenn Aug 20th 2008 10:07AM
I got a DUI, I can tell you that it ruined my entire life. I am not sure why people think there needs to be harsher laws. One thing I try to educate people on is that one does not need to be even close to drunk to be over the limit. Most people assume "drunk" drivers are "drunk". Not so. I had two glasses of wine at dinner at a restaurant. It would have never occured to me that I was "drunk" or endangering anyone. Alas, two drinks is all it takes. I think the term "drunk driving" needs to be changed, it makes people think that if they are not "drunk" they can drive. They can't, even a single drink can impare your driving. However, society likes to think the DUI drivers are sloppy drunks and out of control- I assumed so and paid the price.I have graduated college, Dean's list, but with my record I am unable to get a job. Oh, I get the job until they do a background check (I do disclose the arrest) and the company cannot hire me due to insurance reasons. I paid for my college education ($26,000) in loans and cannot get a job that is worth squat. I go to interviews and get hired until they process the paperwork,,,,I paid $10,000 all told for my DUI as a struggling college student that was working and going to school. I couldn't afford electricity and rode my bike 7 miles back and forth to work and school in 110 degree weather. My insurance tripled and I sold my car (since I couldn't drive it anyway). I spent two days in jail with prostitutes and violent criminals. I spent 6 weeks in classes. I was on probation for two years.I went to Olive Garden and had two glasses of wine and drove home. My life will never be the same. It destroyed me. I destroyed myself I guess, but I didn't know what drunk driving meant. I had no idea that one needn't be intoxicated to be a danger. Hopefully my story will help someone else, don't even have one drink and drive. Most drinks sold at clubs or restaurants (such as margaritas and cosmos) are actually TWO drinks. That means one margarita and you are drunk driving. You WILL lose your entire career, be in the paper, your life will never be the same. NEVER drink ANYTHING and drive. Period.

What do you think?

Could a younger drinking age curb binge drinking?
by Angie Felton Aug 19th 2008 5:00PM

In the United States, you're considered an adult and old enough to vote, make your own legal decision, and be drafted into military service at the age of 18. However, you're not old enough to have a beer for three more years.
The Amethyst Initiative is made up of chancellors and presidents of universities and colleges across the United States who think that rather than curbing drinking issues in young adults, the 21 drinking law actually promotes a culture of binge drinking on campus. So far over 100 university leaders have signed a petition asking lawmakers to lower the drinking age to 18 and the reasons why are very thought-provoking.
The current law has not prevented alcohol from being available, and drinking is widespread at all American colleges, and at younger ages as well. But at colleges and universities, the law does have other effects: it pushes drinking into hiding, heightening its risks, including risks from drunken driving; and it prevents us from addressing drinking with students as an issue of responsible choice. ~Richard H. Brodhead, Duke University
I signed because my 35 years in higher education and my 30+ years as a parent to three sons convinced me that the 21 year-old drinking age is hypocritical, ineffective, guilt-inducing and counterproductive. It is a form of mini-prohibition, and needs to be replaced with education and a focus on the value of moderation, not intolerance. ~Donald R. Eastman III, Eckerd College
But not everyone believes making forbidden fruit (juice) accessible at an earlier age is the solution. Mothers Against Drunk Driving estimates that 25,000 lives have been saved by the drinking age being 21 and is urging people to write their Governors and college presidents in order to maintain the 21 law and to avoid the universities affiliated with the Amethyst Initiative.
I've live in a college town for 20 years and can personally attest that all the 21 drinking law does little to prevent underage drinking. All it really seems to do here is make kids scatter when a police car goes by.
If the goal is truly to curb drinking and driving, the New York approach seems the way to go: you get caught drinking and driving, the car is no longer belongs to you (or whoever loaned it to you.) It would be interesting to see what effect a law like that would have on alcohol related accidents.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More of balloon battles and such

Party fun

Balloons are always fun. Claire and Garrett enjoyed the trampoline also.

Yay cake!

My Mom had to work all day the day of Laura's party, so she decided rather than add yet another thing to do to her list, she'd just get a cake from the store. No one was there to write on it though, so I got the honor of making the iceing and decorating the cake. Buttercream iceing is tasty!

Getting braver

Jacob is getting braver around Pop-Pop. (He's a bit intimidating, particularly to young children, so it takes a while for them to be completely comfortable around him).

Some of the special decorations

My Mom bought some "30" decorations that were hung around the house and we made some ourselves. I made the 1978 one, and I helped the kids make the birthday banner. Claire drew the mural on the mirror and Garrett helped color it in.

From Laura's 30th birthday party

The flower is a painting Claire made for Laura.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Too late for Laura's birthday!

This looks pretty cool. It would be a better system than I have now, though I don't have anywhere near enough shoes to fill it.
I know the kids would enjoy playing with it (I can see the shoes flying out now!)

Thank You!

Though I miss reading her posts, every now and then I check Jamie's blog to see if she has a new entry. While there I check her links in the sidebar (how does that work anyway? Do you personally add them or is it just stuff that comes up under a search you have saved?) and today I found this site: I think a few of you might find it interesting too-Mom, Laura, Sue(?)

Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm not a morning person either

We Stay Together for the Sake of the Espresso Maker

Bank teller: Are you two married?
Asian girl and white man (angrily): Yes. Just.
Bank teller: You're so loving.
White man: Our marriage doesn't start until noon each day.
Asian girl: After two cups of coffee.
--17th St & 5th Ave

Where was this school when I went to college?

More news of the weird:
The Entrepreneurial Spirit!
High Point University (just south of Greensboro, N.C.) is not quite Club Med ("Club Ed," it was called by the Chronicle of Higher Education) but provides free ice cream for students, a hot tub in the middle of campus, wake-up calls and a concierge service, all run by a campus "director of WOW," whose job it is to thrill the "clients" and attract new ones. This is the strategy of President Nido Qubein, a motivational speaker and "customer comes first" businessman, and so far, enrollment is way up (even at higher tuition), new construction is transforming the campus, and $100 million is in the bank. [Chronicle of Higher Education, 7-4-08]
Challenging New Products: stilettos for toddlers (though with soft heels), from Bellevue, Wash., designer Britta Bacon, selling recently in Toronto for $39.95 (Cdn) a pair; and [The Star (Toronto), 6-13-08]
a rotating ice cream cone on which the scoop gently revolves counter-clockwise, so that lazy people merely stick their tongues out and need not actively lick (sold by Kitchen Craft in the UK). [Daily Telegraph (London), 6-10-08]

At 62, good for him!

Brother Cesare Bonizzi, 62, of a Capuchin Friars monastery near Milan, Italy, is the lead singer in a heavy-metal band that recently released its second album, "Misteri" ("Mysteries"), following a successful performance at Italy's "Gods of Metal" festival (headlined by Iron Maiden and, ironically, Judas Priest). On stage, the white-flowing-bearded Brother Cesare booms out gritty but non-proselytizing lyrics while wearing his traditional brown robe. He told BBC News in July that his superiors have never interfered with his sideline and that he plans to send a copy of the new album to the pope. "He's a music lover, and metal is music." [BBC News, 7-18-08]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ok to wait a bit.......

Breastfeeding: Why doctors are so wrong about solids
14 August 2008
Doctors are keen to introduce solids as early as possible as a supplement to breast feeding – and they couldn’t be more wrong.Babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first three months at least – and sometimes for the first 12 months – have better cognitive abilities and general intelligence by the time they are six.Compared with children who were fed solids early on, breastfed babies registered far higher scores for verbal IQ, performance IQ and general IQ when they were tested at six-and-a-half years. Researchers made the discovery when they assessed the cognitive development of 13,889 children who were exclusively breastfed for a prolonged period.(Source: Archives of General Psychiatry, 2008; 65: 578-84).

Library booty

The summer reading program is over for the boys, Leanna has one more day yet. So they got their big prize (in addition to the normal weekly prizes they've been getting). Each boy got a t-shirt, a ladybug bottle of bubbles, two mike&Ikes, a Dunkin' Donuts certificate for a free donut, a free small ice cream cone from the Ritz, and a certificate with their name on it. In a buggy bag!
See that stack of books-that's what we checked out today. And we still have about 3 at home from last week that we weren't ready to take back yet. Cause you just can't read Bob the Builder too many times! And I put back about 7-10 extra books that Leanna tried to add. (Note to Laura: did you see they had Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows this week! Guess what I'll be doing this weekend after your party?!) (I was reading The Historian, and enjoying it thus far, but that goes on the back burner for Harry Potter).

New color for the upstairs bathroom

You can see what the new color will be-Tom hates it. I don't mind it, I think it looks like a bathroom color (It's sky blue). Our choices of paint usually come from paint he has leftover from jobs, or paint he has that we can add tint to. It was either blue or yellow-like the primer on the walls now.

He painted around the edges of the room I think Monday night. We'll see when it gets done.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Chocolate Chip Orange Zucchini Bread

Not bad, the orange and chocolate go well together. I skipped the walnuts and used applesauce instead of oil.
For the recipie, click here.

The pill makes you pick bad mates

Apparently being on birth control can affect your choice of partner, not in a good way.

Here's a shocker

Got a phone call today-Jacob's lead level is 16. Supposedly the health dept. should be calling us. We'll see, I've heard that one before.

I get annoyed with having to constantly do these lead level tests. It's not like they're doing anything proactive. If I don't go immediately to get a retest I get a deluge of phone calls, with the callers acting worried-why? If we were doing something to bring the levels down I'd understand, but they don't. They just keep taking blood until the level is around 10. Don't get me wrong, I understand how serious this can be. Lead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and, at very high levels, seizures, coma, and even death. None of the kids have shown any symptoms-although I'd like to blame all bad behavior on the lead level thing. Hyperactivity is a symptom, but I think my kids just suffer from something many modern kids suffer from. Not enough time to run around outside, having adventures and wearing themselves out. They definitely do not have speach delays.

I wouldn't mind checking their levels once or twice a year (Leanna and Justin are at normal levels, so they don't get tested anymore). I'm not sure, Timothy is either borderline or just under normal levels. He's at Sacred Heart, and they don't seem to care so much. And I don't care for the attitude I get when I don't seem in a rush to go spend several hours waiting in a lab with all my kids. I assure you, if anyone showed signs of a problem I'd be the one calling them every day, trying to figure out the source!

Fussy Babies=Maleable kids?

I just completely copied this post from Kate Allison Granju's website because I have big plans for today, so I'm in a hurry(not exciting plans, just lots to do). I find this extremely interesting, I may comment further on this later, when I have time. Kind of wierd too, I was just planning to comment that I've noticed since my recent streak of reading, Leanna has become way more into reading herself (without any prompting, choosing to read rather than watch tv or computer or play) and it just reminds me again that kids really do copy so much of what we do. I knew this, but sometimes you forget the practical implications, you know? Anyway, for the record Leanna was actually a very happy baby, but she was very fussy about being held constantly, and actually got fussier as she aged.

Fussy babies = malleable kids?
August 12, 2008
Filed under: sundry — katie allison granju @ 2:39 pm

Some new research indicates that fussier babies are actually more affacted by HOW we parent, while “easy” kids are less impacted.
One of the strongest and most counterintuitive findings in this nascent field is that children with a sweet temperament, which is under strong genetic control, are the least likely to emulate their parents and absorb the lessons they teach, while fussy kids are the most likely to do so. Fussy children have a hypersensitive nervous system that is keenly attuned to its surroundings—including what Mom and Dad do and say. In studies that are shaking up textbook dogmas, Jay Belsky of Birkbeck University of London has shown that fussy babies are therefore wired to be more strongly shaped by their parents than mellower children are. It is the fussy baby who, read to night after dutiful night, is likely to develop a love of books; the mellow baby, given the same literary diet, might just as easily grow into a teen who has no interest in reading anything longer than a text message. The mellow baby, immune to your charms, is more likely to show signs of road rage from the day she first takes her tricycle out for a spin, even though she grew up watching your saintly temper control. Children who go with the flow of new people and new situations are like Teflon: good parenting doesn’t stick to them—but neither, necessarily, does bad parenting. They’re the young adults who can’t form close, meaningful relationships despite the unconditional love you showed them. “Kids with difficult temperaments are more sensitive to the effects of parenting,” says Belsky. “You can get by with sloppier parenting if you have a ‘good temperament’ kid.” Even children who fall between the extremes are generally closer to one than the other.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Robot boy, a short video

I am robot! I am robot! I am robot!

Claire and Garrett

When asked (jokingly) about pregnancy, Claire and Garrett immediately jumped apart and expressed dismay at the possibility. (They were only asked because of the way they were standing together, with his arms around her front.) Laura suggested they pose with a pillow up Claire's shirt. She declined. Garrett, however, was happy to comply!

Caught in the same pose.....

Not the best picture of either one, but.......admittedly, I do look for similaries between them more because of Jacob's size.

Happy Belated Birthday

Mom's birthday party on Sunday. Laura made a delicious angel food cake covered with whipped cream and strawberries. We had an array of healthy food to snakc on-peppers, cucumber, coliflower, and guacamoli.


Justin and Timothy really enjoyed this one.

Doctor's office again(and the lab and the pharmacy)

Jacob's back on medicine again for his eczema. This time a slightly stronger hydrocortizone cream and first an oral medicine plus antibiotics. We had blood taken today to test for allergies, because as the doctor said, he can't go through life constantly having to use this stuff, we have to figure out what's causing it to be this bad. So hopefully we'll get some answers. No immunizations again, because of the drugs he'll be on. The doctor commented again that Jacob is just so happy, unbelievably happy considering the discomfort his skin causes.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

American Food

Ha, I don't know if anyone noticed this quote of the day on the sidebar: "Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French; sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek; Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good."
I like this person's last line addition to the quote, it's so true!

From: Roger Bullard (rogabullard Quotation
"Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good." -Alice May Brock, author (b. 1941)
And high fructose corn syrup makes it American.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Meeting new life with joy

I know most of you aren't interested, but here's a link to a post about meeting new life with joy. It's a catholic website, and it's really about NFP (Natural Family Planning) and having non-judgemental attitudes towards others.
I thought a few of my occasional readers might also enjoy this, I know I could have used to read something like this during my last two pregnancies.

When God gives us babies, planned or unplanned, He gives us innumerable physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. But He also gives us a glimpse of Himself. It's God's face we see in a helpless baby's smile. It's God's voice we hear in their needy cries, and it's God's enormous love we feel wrapped around us when we nurture them within us, when we hold their infant bodies, when we accept them as He sends them, whether it was part of "our plan" or not.......Will we abandon pregnant mothers in their time of need? Will we shame them, shun them, and laugh at them behind their backs? Or will we remind them how much God loves them, remind ourselves of the abundant, undeserved blessings He has given every one of us, and simply be grateful?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Where are the modern superfudges?

Interesting article on the dssapearance of the middle and lower classes in modern children's literature.
Also, I like that they mention this fact that I think many parents forget:"and let's not fool ourselves about the age of the younger set — it's not actual teens who read teen fiction, but middle-schoolers and younger"

"There seems to be a conspicuous sense of timeliness to this, when the gap between rich and poor in America is wider than at any time in modern history. After all, isn't it the tiresome middle class that's been whining for the past seven years about their college loans and inadequate health care? About the shrinking job market and rising housing costs — not to mention the bursting of the sub-prime mortgage bubble that threatens to leave everybody in America homeless or something? Why must they spoil everybody's fun? Can't they simply take a hint and disappear? "

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Current interests

New trends I've observed:

*Leanna is VERY into Beatrix Potter (Peter Rabbit, etc.), both her stories and her as a person. (She's actually a pretty fascinating person)
*Leanna is also starting to enjoy reading books on her own, not just because she needs to finish reading her books for a prize. It makes me very happy to see this developing.
*Justin likes outerspace. We got a book on the plannets weeks ago and although it was far ahead of his understanding, he remembered the book and apparently really likes the subject.
*Justin is very curious about growing up/the fact that his parents used to be little.
*All the kids are into Sheryl Crow's song Real Gone because it's from the Cars movie.
Leanna is also still into: Barbies (that's a growing interest), all kinds of crafts, princesses, trains, dinosaurs, and pretending.

Justin is into dinosaurs, construction vehicles, trains, bugs, superheroes, tools, and outerspace. He does tend to copy some of Leanna's interests.

Timothy always was, and still is, VERY into cars. Any kind of car or truck or plane or boat. If it moves, he likes it. Jacob already knows how to make noise while driving a car from observing
Timothy. He still likes to line his cars up neatly. He also likes to play superheroes, but his version of it is just to wear a cape and run around. (Justin's superheroes are more advanced-they fly and fight and intend to DO THINGS!)

Jacob is (predictably) mainly into toddling around, putting things in his mouth, trying to climb stairs, and watching our live entertainment(his siblings).

Ideal female body size

Interesting, thought their sizes are off from the sizes I see in the stores.

Very very sad

A tragic list of chidren left in cars, with fatal results within the last two months!

How can a parent forget their child? "Everyone thinks these parents are bad or strung out on drugs, but parents who've lost their kids in these types of accidents include pediatricians, doctors, school principals, lawyers, and NASA engineers," she says. "For the most part, these are highly educated, extremely loving and doting parents."She says these accidents have little do with how good a parent is, and everything to do with how a memory functions -- or doesn't function. "In the early '90s, these cases were rare. But then in the mid-'90s, front passenger airbags were installed in cars and there was a huge campaign to get kids to move to the back seat. An unintended consequence of this was kids dying of hyperthermia in cars -- because children were out of sight, out of mind."In many of the cases, forgotten children are under the age of 1 in rear-facing car seats. Their parents are not sleeping much, which comes into play. "And in an overwhelming majority of cases, there has been a change in routine," Fennell explains.

I absolutely hate that the article ends with the author asking"What do you think of parents who've left kids in cars: was it a tragic accident or the result of just plain neglect?"
Can't miss a chance to bait people! I think people today are very quick to judge others, possibly as a consequence of the internet, where you randomly post comments about situations you may not have all the facts about. Whatever happened to the line of thinking, "where, but for the grace of God, go I"?

I'm thinking they should work on developing some type of sensor that goes off when a carseat is left in a car with extra weight in an empty carseat wouldn't raise an alarm.

Monday, August 04, 2008

family sticker

Scroll to the bottom of my page and check out the family sticker I made, you can make your own at
(I had to put it on the bottom, it doesn't fit in the sidebar)
Note to Mom J.: they have ones for pets too:

Enjoying Seedless watermelon

So good on a hot day......Jacob ate his right down to the rind.


I don't know if you're still having cravings, Laura, but this one's for you!
It is a cheat though, it's just from one of those packages you buy, one day I'll mess around with making my own. (Can you believe Tom does not like these things!?) We each had one and I said they had to leave the last one for Daddy, just because I didn't think any of us needed that much sugar and fat.....and mysteriously the last one disappeared. With Leanna and Justin both accusing each other of the theft!

Cake Wrecks

Ok, I'm feeling a little better about all my feeble attempts to decorate cakes. Check out this blog
It seems even the professionals have trouble getting it right. I think I'll send this link to Korinna, she had one bakery ordered cake that she had to go back and complain about. You can send in photos of your own disasters.
(For example, I have a feeling Jamie doesn't want a cake like this )

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Pirates and gentle spirits

I was reading a book about pirates to Justin tonight, but it was one designed for a much older child. So I was sort of skipping around and altering the words to fit his level. I wasn't sure how aware he was of pirates, so I asked him what one was. He replied, "Arrrgggghhh!" and said something about finding treasure. So I began a more detailed explanation. I asked how he would feel if someone came and took all his toys and didn't want to work to buy their own toys. He said he wouldn't like that. Then as I was about to go on he added, "I would have to work when I get older to buy them their own toys!"
I am so impressed with this four year old boy with such a generous spirit. His first thought was to help the pirate that stole his toys. Not to get his toys back, but to give them their own. What a sweet little boy. I think I am really lucky to raise children so beautiful, inside and outside!

Possible gift idea?

Laura, would you be interested in this as a gift? Or anyone else? I think they're pretty cute myself!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Crocs, for Laura

The case for ending our long national nightmare.

LOL, love this: "I've given fashion the finger, and joined the Dorcs revolution!"