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Saturday, August 09, 2008

Meeting new life with joy

I know most of you aren't interested, but here's a link to a post about meeting new life with joy. It's a catholic website, and it's really about NFP (Natural Family Planning) and having non-judgemental attitudes towards others.
I thought a few of my occasional readers might also enjoy this, I know I could have used to read something like this during my last two pregnancies.

When God gives us babies, planned or unplanned, He gives us innumerable physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. But He also gives us a glimpse of Himself. It's God's face we see in a helpless baby's smile. It's God's voice we hear in their needy cries, and it's God's enormous love we feel wrapped around us when we nurture them within us, when we hold their infant bodies, when we accept them as He sends them, whether it was part of "our plan" or not.......Will we abandon pregnant mothers in their time of need? Will we shame them, shun them, and laugh at them behind their backs? Or will we remind them how much God loves them, remind ourselves of the abundant, undeserved blessings He has given every one of us, and simply be grateful?

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