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Monday, June 09, 2008

Long day

What a day. Soooo hot. The kids were soooo grouchy. And into everything. I had papers to sort and they knocked everything all over when I was almost done. The baby was grouchy and kept wanting to nurse, making it hard to accomplish anything. I thought I'd have them play in the tub with Little People to occupy them while I sorted papers in the bedroom, but that didn't work out at all. I was interrupted every two minutes by someone splashing or throwing toys or running more water or whatever else. Then Justin started spraying shampoo and conditioner and kid soap around. So I had Leanna bring all the bottles in the bedroom. But she managed to spill 3/4 of a bottle of conditioner on the rug. Then after they got out, Justin threw butter in his siblings' hair. They boys kept wandering outside naked. They were all hungry and didn't want anything to eat. There was poop to clean up, (Timothy) and either they had a cereal battle or else they were just really really messy eaters. What was I doing while they were into the butter and cereal? I was nursing the baby and we were both falling asleep a little. At that point the entire downstairs was trashed, the bedroom was trashed, the bathroom had a layer of water from the fighting, and my energy was gone.
We had a visit from our landlord Saturday which necesitated an emergency cleaning session Friday night. It looked really nice for about half a day. And already the toys have begun to creep out in the bedrooms. My hallway is being attacked by dinosaurs. Elmo and a few stuffed animals were apparent casualties, strewn in between the dinosaurs. And I am just exhausted, so very tired. I haven't caught up on sleep yet (I stayed up until 4AM cleaning Friday night/Saturday morning). And I have to try really hard to maintain the place with the kids' party coming this weekend. Plus this year I have the extra challenge of not having the day before for preparation because it's Mimi's birthday party. And I won't have help from my family with cleaning or decorating or getting food ready like I have for the past few years. So it'll definitely be challenging. I'm looking forward to it, it'll be a lot of fun, but at the same time it'll be nice when it's over.


Sue said...

I didn't know the kids party was this weekend. Did I miss an email or something? If you said anything to your father-in-law he didn't tell me.

So my questions are, what day and time?

ADP said...

On no!!! Your hallway is being attacked by dinosaurs? hehe, that was cute!

sajmom said...

Yes I sent an email to you and everyone else just to make sure that was ok. Only Claire replied though, So I assumed it was ok with everyone else. Sunday afternoon, usual time and place. 2 or 3, whenever you can get here.

Jamie said...

this heat is brutal. we went outside for only about 15 minutes and, of course, i couldnt sit still and ended up feeling pretty lousy when i came in. jonathan was feeling fine in his little pool tho!

Sue said...

I remember reading that email but I can't find it anywhere. I thought you sent me it. I even checked my trash and sent mail, still couldn't find it anywhere. I'm glad you resent it, thanks.