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Thursday, August 16, 2007


My sister Laura was visiting my Mom today since it was her birthday-Happy Birthday Laura!! And she came with me to the eye doctor to hold Jacob. We walked there with Jacob in the sling. We were commiserating about weight loss, or the lack of it, and she pointed out to me, "Hey at least people are looking at your stomach and smiling and saying how cute! They don't do that to me." (meaning they smile at Jacob in the sling).

The weight melting off my body has stopped, actually about two weeks ago. I suspect it's all an uphill battle from here. The other day I was trying on a bunch of clothes given to me by various people. I couldn't get rid of nearly as many as I would have liked. Leanna looked at me trying on a pair of jeans and said, "Wow, you look like the girls outside!" She meant that the jeans were a modern style. And I realized that almost all the clothes I've been wearing since she was born are hand-me-downs, largely from women a generation older than me. So, as I told my husband later that night, well, the bad news is, I'm fat......the good news is-I'll have lots of jeans to wear!


Sue said...

You're not FAT! You have a baby belly and it will take time to get rid of it. Don't forget you are a little older and it will be a little more difficult to lose the weight than when you were younger. It is very easy to put it on but it is much harder to take off. I know from experience. But it will come off when you start chasing Jacob around the house like you do with the others. Just be patient, my dear.

sajmom said...

Oh trust me, I'm not forgetting that I'm older! Maybe you're forgetting what I looked like before kids-it's more than just my belly that's grown!

Sue said...

no it's not, it is only you who think that, not the people that love you.

sajmom said...

LOL-well, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but the jump in clothes size alone says otherwise!