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Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Cakes

Since my Mom asked me to post these...............................My sister Laura baked the two angel food cakes and decorated them with whipped cream and strawberries. We were trying to think of what we could do for a cake topper. The first year after her heart attack we put a toy hot dog on top because she missed eating that kind of food.
We called Claire, she's in Pittsburgh yet, to ask if she had any brilliant ideas. She was actually serious for once and was thinking of cake toppings, not toppers, though. Claire was trying to come up with something organic and maybe vegan(surprisingly sweet of her!). So we were still on our own, trying to figure out what we could put on the cake. I looked on the net for inspiration but it's hard to find cake toppers that aren't wedding cake toppers. A picture of little construction men reminded me of little army men, and inspiration struck! A-ha! You can get little army men at any dollar store and a tub is easy to do with ice-ing!
So the cake was in honnor of a comment my Mom innocently misunderstood on another blog:
Jaime had posted that army men make good bathtoys-meaning for her two year old son. My Mom read it and thought she was referring to real army men and thought, well, I don't know why Jaime's sharing that thought with us, but ok! And she wrote back, LOL yes they do! I think it took a while before my Mom realized what Jaime had actually meant!
PS. the second cake has a waterfall running down because the cake has an indentation that kind of looked like a waterfall to me and water sort of fit with the bathtub theme. Laura made the waterfall and posed the men on that cake though.

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