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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Leanna and I are miserably sick yet......Timothy's better. He's eating today and got down to play a few times. He spent the rest of the day in my arms, so he's still clingy though. Justin's fine.

The black baby rabbit that we were attached to died. I found it this afternoon. It was lying with a thin layer of straw overtop of it on the bottom cage. I suspect it was just too cold for it. It's siblings were all in the upper enclosed part buried in a thick layer of straw and they huddled in pairs of two so they had body heat working for them also. Tom and I both put the little black rabbit back up top with it's siblings, but it just kept going back down again. So we are down to two black rabbits and two tan/brown ones.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Aw that is sad, but I think there was something wrong with it because he would have stayed up top. It is amazing how animals know when they are not healthy. The mother rabbit would have brought it back up with her if the baby kept going down to the bottom of the cage.

When I was a teen I had a cat that had kittens and the runt kitten was always left alone. I tried everything to save it, even staying home from school to nurse it all day, but it didn't make it. The mother wouldn't pay attention to it at all because there was something wrong with it. Animals are smart like that.