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Friday, March 16, 2007

Cervical cancer & vaccine warning

Something to think about for women (and their daughters) Keep reading past the part about allergies, there's more:

First if you have a yeast allergy do not get this vaccine! The US FDA (online) has said that any one allergic to yeast or any other agent in the vaccine should NOT be vaccinated with 'Gardasil'. This information missing information from the product's insert.The advertising bills this as a cervical cancer vaccine - it's not. It's a HPV vaccine which has not been proven to DIRECTLY cause cervical cancer. From the US Cancer institutes's website "direct causation to cervical cancer has NOT been established".Article from NVIC on the VAERS reports on Gardasil to-date:Out of the 385 individual GARDASIL adverse event reports made to VAERS, two-thirds required additional medical care and about one-third of all reports were for children 16-years-old and under, with nearly 25 percent of those children having received simultaneously one or more of the 18 vaccines that Merck did not study in combination with GARDASIL. NVIC is calling on the FDA and CDC to warn parents and doctors that GARDASIL should not be combined with other vaccines and that young girls should be monitored for at least 24 hours for syncopal (collapse/fainting) episodes that can be accompanied by seizure activity, as well as symptoms of tingling, numbness and loss of sensation in the fingers and limbs, all of which should be reported to VAERS immediately.From you inject a viral antigen into a person (the HPV vaccine), the body produces specific antibodies against this antigen. Over time (usually 5-10 years)the level (amount) of antibody in the body naturally drops, while the body is no longer exposed to the antigen. At some point this becomes "low dose" levels. AT THIS POINT IF YOU ARE EXPOSED TO THE VIRUS, THE VIRUS WILL MULTIPLY FASTER THAN IF YOU NEVER RECEIVED THE VACCINE (HPV) AGAINST THE VIRUS AND THE PERSON WILL HAVE DIFFICULTY FIGHTING OFF THE VIRUS. 80% of persons infected with the HPV naturally clear and the destroy the virus with their own immune system. Then there is NO risk of cancer from the virus. It is the persons that do not clear the virus (the viral infection becomes chronic) that develop cancer if they are infected with one of the few cancer producing strains of HPV.As young girls will naturally drop their antibody levels, by the time they reach sexual maturity and engage in sex and get exposed to HPV, the low-zone antibody levels will interfere with the body's immune system (enhancing antibody effect) and a larger proportion of the women (presently 20 %) will NOT CLEAR THE VIRUS AND THEREFORE WILL BE AT RISK FOR CERVICAL CANCER! THIS WILL BE A PUBLIC HEALTH NIGHTMARE. I am guessing this will double or triple the number of cervical cancers.From Linda L. Shelton Ph.D., M.D. at, why would anyone give their daughter this vaccination?
Posted at
2:53PM on Mar 16th 2007 by Tash

1 comment:

ADP said...

I don't know, the thought of the vaccine scared me right off, you know it's almost like they want us to get sick and die off. Actually, I watched another short movie about the future of our food supply, and it is very scary. between them messing with food and all these vaccines, there aren't going to be many of us left.