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Sunday, February 18, 2007

More on cravings

I was just reading people's comments on what they are craving during pregnancy. Bizzare! It's just interesting to me because I always wondering if you are craving something, does that mean it contains some mineral or nutrient that your body needs? But people crave some strange things!
With Leanna: In the beginning I craved hot salty french fries! I think I needed the salt. Then later I was eating lots of fruit, Strawberries more than anything. Working in a grocery store, I had the hook-up! My people in the produce dept. would bring me over those little green containers of Strawberries and I would inhale them!! Ate lots of peaches and pineapple too. I also ate a lot of salads. And got hooked on using dressing or mayo on all kinds of stuff. (of course I also had a friend in the bakery dept. who would drop off cookies right into my apron pocket every time she went through my dept.) And later on a guy I worked with made the best cheeseburger subs EVER! A few of the roast beefs I had to cut made me nautious and tuna fish had absolutely no appeal to me. Strawberries and french fries were the only true cravings though.
With Justin: It was about food aversions, not cravings. The smell of coffee turned me off completely. And although I love grilled chicken, Barnes and Nobles cafe made these foccacia grilled chicken sandwiches that made me feel sick to my stomach when I smelled them. I did really crave a friendly's ice-cream which I didn't get to have until later.
With Timothy: The smell of coffee turned me off again. That was why I immediately thought I was pregnant, although a bad test said I wasn't. Other than that, nothing seemed to stand out, foodwise.
Baby #4: It's again about the cravings, not aversions. Foods just taste better to me than normal. And I can stop eating foods after a little, when normally I would just want to keep eating and eating and eating. It really makes me wonder if some people aren't more prone to weight gain because their bodies tell them to keep eating when other people's tell them to stop.


ADP said...

Interesting topic! And eating all that fruit probably explains Leanna's peaches & cream complexion hehe.

When I was pregnant with you, I had morning sickness all day but it wasn't too bad, I never actually threw up. Also never had any cravings. But with Laura, smells really sickened me. I couldn't stand hamburger frying and for a long time I wouldn't use Murphy's oil soap because I used it while pregnant with Laura and it sickened me really bad. With Claire, my stomach just felt like cement until I would eat, no cravings, and nothing would sicken me just that lead stomach.

Jamie said...

i tried the diet they talk about in "what to expect..." and i ate brown rice, brown pasta and plain chicken for about 2 days, and i got so sick from it and was so nauseated from even the sight of that stuff for the rest of the preganancy YUCK! i still get queasy thinking about it!

Sue said...

When I was pregnant with Billy, I craved pasta. I ate it at least several times a week. I also, craved sweets.

With Tommy I craved Joe's hoagies. chuck would pick me up one every Friday on his way home from work, because at that time I didn't drive. I also, craved sweets too.