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Sunday, July 05, 2009


The top view
The iceing looked more purple in person, when I mixed it, it was very purple. Later I looked at it and it looked a little gray.

Leanna's teaparty cake-the teacups have green in them for Mint tea, Leanna's favorite kind!

That's supposed to be a five, not an "S", but other than that, this one was easy and came out great!

They never come out quite how I envision them, but given the amount of time and the tools and knowledge I have (none), I think I do ok.
For the record, it's well known that I collect teapots. This cake was right for Leanna though because every week, at least once, she requests a teaparty. I do not usually oblige. One of these days I will have to let her host a real teaparty. So although I was unable to make her the cake she requested-a Mayan pyramid cake with flamingo dancers-a teapot with teacups seemed an acceptable subsitute. (well, eventually. It took a while to get over the dissapointment) The teacups are edible too (cupcakes).

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