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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Send extra coupons to the military

This lady talks about cutting coupons for sanity. There've been a million articles out about coupons in this economy. I'm linking this one though because she lists an address/contact to send coupons to the military so others can use them. I thought, oooh, I should clip coupons and then let Leanna cut out the leftovers to send to someone!
In addition, if more people were to implement the method of cutting coupons to save money on what they are already buying, there would not be a barren food bank in America! Additionally, you can donate your excess coupons to military commissaries overseas. Military commissaries will a will accept manufacturer’s coupons for up to six months after the expiration date. So if you don’t use your coupons, simply send them on the collection organizations and they will help the military families serving overseas. There are quite a few organizations you can hook up with to do this. Simply by going to you can learn how to “adopt” a military base and how to mail coupons to that base. I also have a contact here in Utah for this as well: Julie Young of Brigham City, Utah will accept your coupons, categorize them, and send them on to the military. She currently sends coupons to London, Guam, Iraq and Germany.
Ms. Young is also looking for more coupons to send to stateside military families, who need current coupons, ideally those that will not expire for several months. To contact Young, you can e-mail her at or call her answering service at 435-730-4280.
There’s a surprising need among military families actually, especially those with little babies and small children that need diapers and formula, but can’t afford to buy them. Meat, detergents, milk, juices, canned vegetables and fruits are the most expensive items. Any coupons in those categories are the most requested by my military wives.

(I never understood how people save THAT MUCH money with coupons? They're generally for brand name products. And it's a bigger discount to just use the generic than to buy the brand name with the coupon.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the information about sharing expired (or otherwise) coupons with military families. I never understood why people spent so much time on coupons just to save a quarter off a few bucks. But let me tell ya! It's AMAZING. You may enjoy this blog post for more on how to save major money on groceries.