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Saturday, June 27, 2009

More Strawberry stuff

The rabbit enjoys the tops of the strawberries (we got almost 10 pounds)

Pictures of the sky (Justin actually took this one)

Plump juicy strawberries-it's amazing how beautiful they look. As you're out there picking them they really are very pretty to look at among the green leaves and with the blue sky backdrop.

We had more fun last year.....this year Justin was done after about three minutes. He said he had to go to the bathroom and he wanted to go home. The plants and straw were sratching his legs! He was hot! Timothy was less bothered but he likes to copy Justin, so he started complaining too. Justin's been going through a weird phase lately, he's just very shy and easily bothered by things. And Jacob just wanted me to hold him, making it very difficult to pick anything. Lucky for me, Leanna is a champion strawberry picker! She made up for the boys and picked most of our strawberries. Seiple Farm is just beautiful, hopefully next year we'll be better prepared and go earlier and have better attitudes. Strawberries really do taste better fresh and warm with the sun! Leanna and I enjoyed it, and to a lesser extent, Timothy and Jacob too! Justin enjoyed a stop at Wendy's afterwards with a frosty. Ah well.


Jamie said...


i've been thinking about going to a farm in Nazareth but have no clue how i'd pick with josslyn! =) i'd need a leanna to help, that's for sure!! (i'd be willing to bet jonathan would bow out quick like justin did!)

sajmom said...

Use a sling or any type of baby carrier? I saw a woman there with a carseat next to her(the baby looked pretty young) -if she'd sit in it. At least she'd have shade that way.
Last year Justin enjoyed it! I don't know if it was just the rushing to get there combined with the heat or what...

Jamie said...

she doesnt care for the sling unfortunately =( i should just put her in it more so she gets used to it...

jonathan is such and indoor kid its nuts! and the red stain would bug him LOL he's like my brother in that respect!