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Thursday, October 04, 2007

School lunches

We had to talk to both the teacher and the principal about lunches. There's been some confusion over that issue. Leanna doesn't want the school lunch, but she does like getting a milk from the school. I asked a teacher how much it cost to buy a milk-he told me 30 cents. But when she tried to buy one they told her it wasn't enough. Someone told her once that she needed two dollars?
When we got the letter saying she gets free lunches I thought the problem would end, but it didn't. I called the school and asked what we had to do and was told nothing, the caffeteria staff would know what to do. They also said that you can't just buy a milk. OK?!
So now the principal says that regulations say that a kid must take the entire lunch-you can't just take only a milk. He said if she wanted to do that we'd have to pay 50 cents a day for the milk. Even though she gets a free lunch. She apparently must take three componants of the meal for it to qualify as a whole meal so she doesn't have to pay for the drink. They don't care if she just throws away the food. What a waste! That's just rediculous!
So she has to tell the teacher she's getting the school lunch, although she packs, and then take the food and throw it away. It's a bit confusing for her-we'll see what she does today.
And I still don't see why it was so hard to find out how the system works. Shouldn't they have sent us the lunch form to fill out BEFORE school started, along with info on how it works. From what I understand they don't have an actual lunch card anymore-they just punch in a number for the kids. I know Tom said he used to be able to buy an extra milk for lunch-so you'd think they'd let you know the price for something like that as well. At least for your first year in the school! (you don't deal with it in kindergarten because it's only half days). I find it very frustrating that I had to call the school, talk to the teacher, and then talk to the principal all for a simple thing like that. A letter of explanation of their policy and prices sent with her approval for lunch could have eliminated all this.


Sue said...

Your school is really different. Wilson is allowed to purchase just a milk, juice, or water for lunch. Free lunches get a ticket and they punch a hole in it.

You get all the info usually the first week of school on accident insurance you can purchase, applying for free lunch, PTA info, and all the school policies. But all school are different on how they do their things.

I hope you get things settled. Why doesn't she take a drink with her from home with her packed lunch?

sajmom said...

According to the principal, these are FEDERAL regulations, not the school district's! Sounds stupid to me! I've heard nothing about the PTA, but school district policies we got a whole booklet for.

Leanna doesn't drink juice-just water, milk, and chocolate milk. I was sending water with her for a while, but it does weigh down her bookbag more. And she LOVES chocolate milk, which I can't afford to buy for her everyday. Why pay for a drink when she can get it for free and doesn't have to carry it then? I can send water, but I figured it'd be a nice change of pace for her to get milk sometimes too. That was before it became such a big deal!

Sue said...

Our school got a grant for them to serve breakfast for a $1.00. They have bagels, cereal, yogurt, etc. The kids that are poor get it free. Does her school do that? This was the first time they do it because some families can't even afford breakfast before school.

Some classes let the kids bring in a snack because they have lunch so late in the day. Lunch starts from 11:30-1:00, each group has a 20-25 mins. to eat their lunch. They have 4 lunches total during that time. I don't think that is enough time for some kids to eat. That is where they get in the habit of eating too fast because of feeling rushed.

sajmom said...

yes, they've been serving breakfast since Claire was in high school, at least. Wouldn't be worth it for us though-neither she or I wants to get up earlier and she's so very picky about what she eats!