This link has photos of a vaginal breech birth-warning they are photos of a birth, so they're graphic-where the Mom gives birth to her third child with no drugs, no interventions. It sounds very painful!
From Wikipedia: ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breech_birth ) (Visit the link for more info, risks, positions, etc.):
A breech birth (also known as breech presentation) refers to the position of the baby in the uterus such that it will be delivered buttocks first as opposed to the normal head first position. At 28 weeks' gestation 25% of babies are breech, and the percentage decreases approaching term (40 weeks' gestation). Certain factors can encourage a breech presentation. These include multiple (or multifetal) pregnancy (twins, triplets or more), excessive amounts of amniotic fluid, hydrocephaly, anencephaly, very short umbilical cord, and some uterine abnormalities. Babies with congenital abnormalities are more likely to present by the breech. It is postulated that the baby normally assumes a head down presentation because of the weight of the baby's head. As the mass of the fetal head is the same as that of the pelvis, it is more likely that the enlarging fetus is more and more restricted in its movements, and simply becomes entrapped. The shape of the uterus is a more likely determinant of the final fetal presentation as uterine shape anomalies are strong predictors of breech presentation and other malpresentations.
that website is definately interesting! i didnt know babies could be delivered in such different presentations. especially the one where its head is coming out first!! you definately get the prize for the most interesting website!
Which website? The one linked in the title with photos or the Wikipedia one?
I didn't think anyone would find them interesting other than me. a. I'm pregnant and b. I'm weird! What's your excuse? I really think you missed your calling, you should have become a nurse.
Isn't that the typical way for babies to come out?? Head first?? Am I missing something?!?
A breech birth refers to the position of the baby in the uterus such that it will be delivered buttocks first as opposed to the normal head first position.
Unless you're referring to Jamie's comment, I wasn't sure what she meant either!
there was a picture of the baby's face protruding out, not the head, sorry
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