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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

End of the School year

The last day of school is Thursday for Leanna. She's been coming home with all kinds of little prizes. Yesterday she got an attendance award, although she did miss 3 days due to sickness. Today she brought home her final report card. They don't get letter grades in kindergarten, it goes by numbers 1-4. She received mostly 4s, but with a smattering of 1s in weird places (for example she got a 1 for recognizing and producing rhyming words, which is weird because she's been doing that at home for a couple years now). I was so happy to see on her Specialist progress report (the report card for Art, Library, Music, and Physical Education) that she got all positive comments. She had satisfactories for everything but art-in art she had an Outstanding and the teacher commented that she listens and follows directions, she completes work neatly, and shows talent in this area!
For library the teacher commented that she follows the rules, for Music the teacher said she participates in class and displays a positive attitude. (Gym didn't comment).
Wow! For a kid that my Dad was sure was going to be earning calls home from the kindergarten teacher every day that's really great! I'm very proud of her!


Jamie said...

and you ought to be proud!! yea for leanna!!!

Michele said...

Good job Leanna! Enjoy the summer!

Sue said...

GREAT JOB, LEANNA! We are very proud of you. We knew you could do it, your first year of school. Now the rest is all up hill for you. You can be anything you want to be as long as you put your mind to it.