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Monday, November 13, 2006

What's new in kindergarten

Leanna's school gave her perfect attendance awards for Sept. & October. It's like little dog tags attached to her bookbag with the school's name on it.
So far as I know, she's doing all kinds of shapes-drawing them and recognizing them-in school right now. Still working her way through the alphabet, perfecting the letters, and writing words that start with the same letter. Twice a week they go on computers to do math and reading programs. She sings America the Beautiful in her cute little kid voice. And she only occasionally messes up the bigger words in the pledge of allegiance.
We got the book-It pizza certificate last month, working on this month's (you have to read 3 books a week to her-easy!) When asked, Leanna said she's learning how to do games and puzzles. She already learned counting!!

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