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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kisses and more

Laura's Peanut butter kisses-she had too many kisses left.  I was wondering why she didn't just put two kisses on two of them.  Until she explained that it just wouldn't have looked right.  I thought for a minute and then Oh!  Yeah, she's right. 


Anonymous said...

Why don't you delete the earliest pictures you posted?

sajmom said...

Because I regard this blog as a backup place for our photos as well as a written record of our life. It's not even close to all our pictures, but there are a lot of the big events on here. It's nice to know that even if our harddrive dies or the computer's stolen (and even cds frequently go bad) I'll at least have these pictures.

Sue said...

Then why don't you go get yourself a memory disc thingys to put them all on. I was told they are only about $10.00 at Walmart. Then you can start all over again.

sajmom said...

Because it would be very time consuming to do that, and I still like the idea of having an online source as well as physical copies (physical copies like discs and cds can be damaged). Online sources can have problems as well, but it's less likely.