Yesterday I called to check on Leanna's medical records (again! It's only taken 3 weeks!), and I found they were ready and waiting for me! They had lead me to believe they'd be mailing them to me, so I was checking the mail everyday, waiting for them to arrive. So we trekked out and picked them up, only to find that they had noted that we hadn't returned for Leanna's TB shot site to be observed. I was all worried this would be a problem, but a call to the school district today assured me that the TB shot wasn't required for school and would not be a barrier. She said if I wanted I was welcome to have the shot re-done though!
Just to be safe though, I included a short note explaining that I had discussed it with the school district and gotten the ok, plus a medical paragraph explaining what you are looking for at the site of the shot (because it's easily identifiable). So I'm kind of excited now. I've printed out the list of educational objectives, I have her medical and dental records, the immunizations, and I've printed the affadavit. All I have to do now is get the affadavit notorized and turn them in! Kind of hard to believe it's actually real. And I'm really truly going to do this!!
What about Justin? Are you home schooling too? I didn't hear anything about him not going to kindergarten.
I'm sure you can home scool them both.
exciting! good luck to you! maybe one day i'll be asking you for advice =)
did u get the records for your own sake? or do they even want immunizations for homeschooling?
is there any kind of thing you particularly need that maybe we could get you as an early xmas gift?
Yes, for now. Keep in mind that this is not necesarily a forever decision. One child may have a personality/learning type that excells in regular school. For now I think Justin would be better off homeschooling or waiting to enter regular school. But I know there are families where not all the kids homeschool or they do but for different periods of time(like only homeschooling for elementary).
They do require immunization, though you can get an exemption. Some say you don't actually need to send the immunization records, that you can send a note saying they're received them, or that they're on file at the doctor's office. Some school districts may hassle you about that though, it really depends on your school district. I opted to send the records this first year, and after that I think I'll just send a note, unless they give me a hassle. There are many areas where school districts/states try to get more than you are legally required to give.
I'll get back to you on the needs question!
When Chris lived across the street from me she homeschool her son when he entered Middle School, but her oldest still remained in school in the High School. The reason why she chose home school for the Middle school student was because she didn't like Philip Lauer Middle School.
She sent her youngest to kindergarten when she stated last year. She has moved now, so whether, she continued this with her middle child, who knows. She had one in High School, one in Middle School and on in Elementary School. Big range.
My girlfriend Danielle has 3 kids and each one is in 3 different levels of school, also. Her youngest is starting kindergarten, her middle is starting Middle School, and her oldest is in 10th grade. Big range on her too.
I'm glad I only had to deal with one school at a time, when my boys went to school.
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