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Thursday, May 21, 2009


In Manchester a controversy was sparked by a poster of a toddler breastfeeding a doll.
"Deborah Winter, 39, who spotted the poster when she was visiting her grandson, called it `disgusting'. She said: "The picture is shocking and it isn't normal. Children copy their parents but I don't think any little girls should be breastfeeding their dolls."And Coun Jean Ashworth, who works as a healthcare assistant at the hospital, said: "The picture is highly offensive. We all know breast is best but they are going overboard."
I'm amazed that people are disgusted by that, that is considered shocking?? It is normal for children to copy their parents and it is a natural normal act, part of raising children. Our society really depresses me sometimes. I understand that many people are uncomfortable with it, but that doesn't make it wrong or unnatural or distgusting. There is nothing disgusting about the act itself and sending children the message that it's something to be ashamed of, something to be done in private, that their body's normal functions are wrong.....that is disgusting.


ADP said...

I can remember you Steph, breastfeeding your doll. I thought it was sweet at the time and thought it was sweet when I saw Leanna immitating you by breastfeeding her dolls. This is the real reason why most mothers don't breastfeed--it comes out in their attitude towards the poster that they really are not comfortable with their own body parts.

sajmom said...

Even Maree' (who was not breastfed) sat and breastfed a raggedy anne doll when Leanna was a baby. It was sweet.

ADP said...

I really liked this quote from that page:

"As mothers who bottlefeed are more likely to get breastcancer (killing a woman every 42 mins in the UK) osteoporosis (one in three uk women), womb and ovarian cancer, and their babies are more likely to be obese children, get asthma, eczema, gastroenteritis, diabetes, leukaemia....isn't it obscene that little girls bottle feed their babies? Ban toy baby bottles now. A child bottle feeding a toy baby is as obscene as giving it a toy cigarette."
Susan Stockwell
22/05/2009 at 13:37