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Friday, April 17, 2009

Rather than writting an explanation of why CPS is involved, this letter I wrote and mailed to our caseworker and his supervisor explains it. At the end I attached a paper with phone numbers for both hospitals the kids use, the medical insurance person, the lead person, Leanna's school, and an explanation of why the kids are at two different hospitals. I tried to make it as easy as possible for them-they wouldn't have to look up any numbers or anything, just call and confirm there is nothing for them to do here.

My letter:

I’m writing this because I feel the need to defend myself. I wasn’t able to completely explain in person, it seemed as though the caseworker had already made up his mind before setting foot in our house.

First, I don’t understand why the caseworker seemed surprised that I was upset about being reported to CPS. For the record, the caseworker seemed to genuinely care about the children, interacting with them (beyond the casual amount needed to assess) as well as with myself while he was here. I have nothing against him personally, I just wish he would have allowed me to completely tell my story and listened! I was completely shocked by this situation! How could one not be bothered by this!? I find it horrifying and humiliating. I would like the situation taken care of as soon as possible and I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be immediately dropped once they saw us and spoke with the lead abatement program. I truly don’t understand why someone apparently reported that I was not concerned with my son’s lead level.
Please check with both LV Peds clinic and Judy Vega, the head of Allentown’s lead abatement program. My son has had his checkups and vaccinations and lead tests. I’ve kept in touch with Judy Vega and had a home lead inspection on Monday April 6th. They took samples from our home and should have results in about a week. She did finger stick tests Jacob had his lead test performed on Tuesday April 7. This should also take about a week for results. I questioned Judy Vega regarding my being reported to CPS and she said that she had no problems with me and while she has had uncooperative parents, that in contrast, I have had every test done! I was merely late with one test.
In December they wanted a re-test and I requested that it wait until January at Jacob’s 18 month old check-up. I have four children ages 7 and under and I don’t drive. It is difficult to walk in the cold, particularly when one or more children are fighting sniffles. And harder still is waiting around to have the testing done while keeping all the kids calm and well behaved. I find it’s easier to have the tests done after a checkup and it would only have delayed the test by one month. My son shows no signs of any problems as a result of the lead level. His levels are nowhere near they would have to be for medical treatment. I merely delayed them drawing blood. I was not delaying them giving him treatment for high lead levels. Lead levels must be around 70 to need treatment. My son’s level was at 20 as of February 25th. If he had been showing any signs of problems I would have been calling them, begging the doctors to do something!!

In January I called to schedule his appointment and was told they were booked for the month so I had to call back to schedule it in a few weeks for a February appointment. I got a February appointment and when we arrived for it we discovered that we had been dropped by the insurance because of failure to resubmit our information that summer. I had not received any forms to resubmit to Medicaid and am happy to do so. And I have. So we scheduled an appointment for two weeks later at Central Elementary for a free checkup. He received two shots and a slip for a free lead test, which we took care of immediately following the appointment. I was not given the results of this test until Thursday evening, March 26, 2009. The next day a CPS worker showed up at my door.

We are in the process of applying for insurance for the children online. This was started long before CPS was involved. I merely needed a way to get to the welfare office to have them copy our documentation (tax papers-my husband is self-employed, IDs, birth certificates, and social security cards) to complete the process. Which I have already done, at this point I am waiting for the welfare office to get back to me. We will certainly be covered and they will have insurance again within a month, possibly sooner.

My case worker kept stating that he was there to help us but I don’t see what you can offer us. The lead abatement program is taking care of the lead issues. The insurance will be in place very soon. My children are not in any way abused or neglected. On the contrary, they could not possibly be loved or wanted more! I certainly can’t claim to be perfect-I’ve made my fair share of mistakes and will likely make many more throughout their lives. Though we are not wealthy in the sense commonly recognized; I feel we have been more than blessed! I’m mainly writing this because I felt as though I was not listened to since we don’t have a lot of money and because of where we live. I felt a judgment was made before anyone even walked through the door! Although we are struggling financially, I am educated (BA in English from Cedar Crest College) and keep current with parenting and safety issues online and through books. The children have all their basic needs taken care of as well as their emotional and mental needs. They are bright inquisitive children. We read stories and sing songs and go for walks and do crafts together. They are disciplined as well as rewarded for good behavior. We’ve talked about what to do if you get lost or if the house is on fire, as well as safety in general. Our home is full of pictures of our children and the computer is full of pictures of them and their various activities, helping to prove to our children that they are loved and special. Not that this is necessary, they hear it daily. My daughter-the only one of school age-attends a reading program and brownie girl scouts. She has no problems academically. I attend school plays and events and Parent teacher meetings. (Call the school and check! She attends McKinley, I put the number here) I am very involved in my children’s lives and nurturing. I am the more involved parent, necessarily, as I am a stay-at-home Mother, and my husband works long hours. But he deeply loves our children as well. They have four grandparents who love and see them regularly. They have an Aunt who visits us every single Friday! These are not children in need of Child Protective Services!!
I was told I will need your help for eight weeks? I truly don’t understand why this case wasn’t immediately closed. I’m sure your time would be better spent on children who are actually being neglected. Please call me with any questions.

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