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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Scary dream

Leanna crawled into bed with me last night because of a scary dream. She said a scary M&M was cleaning our house.


Sue said...

Was she eating M&M's before going to bed? I find that when I eat before going to bed I dream more, than when I don't eat something.

Too funny to picture a BIG M&M chasing her, LOL!

How are minds work is just so fascinating to me and the dreams we dream are so weird at times.

Nanny Jarrell always had weird dreams all her life and so vivid they are to her too. She would always say it was like they were real to her and not imaginary. Hopefully Leanna won't take after Nanny for the dreaming.

sajmom said...

Nope, no food before bed. She's just going through a phase again where she has a lot of nightmares. This is the funniest nightmare I've ever heard of though. Usually she dreams about well, lions, tigers, and bears. Seriously. She's had a particularly scary dream about a bear that ate Timothy's head. Wild animals often chase her in her sleep.

Sue said...

OMG! she really has some kind of dreams. A bear that ate Timothy's head, that is just too funny. When she woke up did she look at Timothy to make sure his head was still on his body?

She is so darn cute!

sajmom said...

No, I think she was too terrified by the dream. It actually wasn't funny at all-imagine being her age and watching a bear eat your brother's head right in front of you. You'd wake up worried you were next. She was scared by that dream even while awake for quite a long time after.

Jamie said...

not to be a downer but i have dreams all the time about jonathan eating m&m's and having an allergic reaction =( dreams can be very scary...i remember a phase when i was young that i kept having nightmares about the troll in the movie "cat's eye." i think its a stephen king book. i can still envision the dream to this day!