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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Teacher Man & books and life

It's so weird, I glanced at reviews for Teacher Man and the vast majority are positive, but I clicked to read the reviews that only gave one star-the bad reviews. I was curious why. It's interesting to see how differently people can view the same book. I couldn't help feeling that some of them really missed the points he made. I really enjoyed the book, I enjoyed the writting and the moments he pulls out to explore in the book. The bad reviewers were saying that it was boring and too negative and he didn't find enough inspirational moments to write about. I kind of like that though, because real life isn't always inspirational. It's not all a rose garden with love and brilliance. I suppose some people skip through life, but others plod through, just doing the best they can and embracing the good when it comes. Sometimes the moments where things click inside your head, where inspiration strikes, are not the obvious ones. I can relate more to that than to perfection. Just my two cents.

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