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Sunday, November 18, 2007


Before I forget to record these:

*Jacob is the only one of my children who cares that he needs a diaper change. Seriously, the other three had no problem sitting in their own mess.

*Timothy is fun to watch playing. He sits there in his own world playing with his cars (usually) or whatever toy, and just enjoying himself. To be clear, the others will play alone, it's not a problem. I just don't remember them being as involved in it.

*It's also really cute to see the three of them playing together, for example doing Ring-around-the-Rosie and similar games (motorboat).

*Earlier this week I was giving Jacob a bath and Justin walked in and said "You're washing his hair off!"
(Jacob's doesn't have much hair in the top front, and with his hair wet, well, it looked like the washcloth was taking the hair away)


Sue said...

That is good that Jacob doesn't like being in his mess because maybe he will be the one that will be potty trained early for you. Tom didn't like being in his messy diaper, either. He was easier to potty train than Bill.

Timothy reminds me of Bill when he was playing with his cars. He played for hours and hours making roads and everything else. My front yard had a bare spot in the corner for such a long time after him playing with cars, because he would make roads out of the dirt.

Justin has a really great imagination. He is going to very artistic when he grows up. Can't wait to see how he changes through all the stages of life.

ADP said...

Well, Timothy's playing reminds me of Uncle Johnathan. He played like that. I remember watching him fascinated at how involved in his own little world he was.

sajmom said...

Actually I think Leanna and Justin both did pretty well with potty training. Both trained between 2 1/2-3 years old. Although they aren't trained for overnight. Leanna was slightly easier, but she was also the only child then, so I had less time constraints. Timothy goes every once in a while. But he's only 2.

sajmom said...

That's neat that Timothy has relatives on both sides of the family that played like that. (Hey, maybe he'll be a nuclear engineer too!!)

Sue said...

Speaking of Leanna on this. I was potty trained at an early age, my mom told me, but I had a bed wetting problem until I was 10 years old. Bill was the same, but his lasted until he was 12.

I have talked to a lot of parents of today's kids and there seems to be a lot of bed wetting kids that still are out there. It seems that their bladder takes a long time to grow with the child, or it takes to the child a long time to learn how to control it. Don't know which one it is.

Except, when I went through this with Bill there were no nighttime pull-ups for bigger kids, like there are today. I pulled my hair out trying to solve this problem and it drove me crazy at times. Then just like it started, it stopped all of a sudden.