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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Girls and even baby girl clothing

Exasperation rises as suggestive clothes for girls spread from teens to toddlers......I've noticed this trend myself. I'll take this opportunity to remind anyone who buys gifts for Leanna-no Bratz or immitation Bratz dolls or products please. They are suggestive and wear a lot of makeup and also I personally find them ugly. Some girls who play with that stuff may be fine, but there are so many great toys for kids that don't have a sexual aspect to them. Just my two cents.


ADP said...

It's part of the rush to make them grow up so fast

Sue said...

thanks for posting this. i didn't know anything about BRATZ, so it is good for me to know. i really wish Maree' didn't like them so much. she is growing up way too fast.

at leanna, justin, and tom's party she put makeup on leanna. i don't like makeup on little girls, not until they know what it all means. i don't wear makeup too much, only on special occasions, maybe.