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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My kid ate ants!

Yeah. Timothy ran up to me, crying, "mouth! mouth!" And I saw what looked like dirt in his mouth and wiped at it, only to realize the dirt was moving. Ewwwwwwwwwwww........some of them were still alive and moving, others had died in there. Gross, gross, gross. I think he was eating something on the floor that ants had found also.

So much for resting to let the contractions go away! I'm getting up every five minutes to get someone food.....change a diaper......take Justin to the bathroom(I think he needs to stop drinking for the rest of the day!), clean a mess, wipe the yogurt that Timothy just spit onto my arm, or clean ants out of someone's mouth. Tom calls and I'm telling him about my fun day and all he has to say is, "What's for dinner?"


Sue said...

LOL! they ate some good protein. People eat chocolate covered ants all the time. Crunchy!

ADP said...

yes, it's not sooooooooo bad he ate some. Not the worst thing in the world the only concern is did they bite his tongue? Ants bite and those bites hurt.