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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

False Labor

I just wanted to post a note here, since I know some people heard the baby was on the turned out to be a trial run for us.  Which means real labor can be anything from hours to weeks away.  With four previous pregnancies, I've never had false labor before.  It was always clear when the contractions were just braxton-hicks contractions.  This is the first time I've had them go on for so long without leading to labor.   And apparently my labors aren't so typical because 1. I've never had my water break 2. my contractions have never been completely regular, even near delivery 3. I've never had discharge before labor, and only with Jacob did I have "the bloody show" before labor (which I suspect had to do with the method of starting labor-blue cohash and membrane stripping.)  So although these are typical signs of false labor, they aren't a normal predictor for me.
Add to that the fact that there is more pressure this time around to leave earlier so there's time to get to the hospital and without a family car we need someone to not only watch the kids, but to come get them as well.  Plus a new doctor and hospital because the midwives are no longer doing hospital birth (and we can't afford a homebirth) there are a lot of new factors to contend with this time around. 

False Labor
False labor or prelabor is often called the first stage of labor. It's when the cervix begins to thin out, shorten, and soften. False labor causes contractions that feel like the uterus is knotting up, known as Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are often irregular and do not get closer together consistently. They may stop when the woman rests and usually do not get stronger. False labor can feel just like true labor to a woman.

What is going on in the body?
No one knows exactly what causes labor to start, but changes in hormones play a role. Labor begins when the cervix begins to open. The uterus, which is a muscle, contracts at regular intervals. When it contracts, the abdomen becomes hard. Between contractions, the uterus relaxes and the abdomen becomes soft. False labor can precede real labor by a very short time or by a full month or more.
Symptoms & Signs

What are the signs and symptoms of the condition?
Symptoms of false labor include:
•contractions that are not regular and do not increase in frequency or severity
•pain in the lower abdomen
•contractions that go away when the woman walks or rests
•fetal movements that intensify briefly with contractions
•vaginal discharge, if any, that is a brownish color

A Re-Posting

A re-posting......Leanna's been reading the archives of my blog and she left up this page from 2005.  It's funny to see the reactions we dealt with when we had only three kids!
Saturday, November 19, 2005

The more the merrier!

We have Maree' this weekend. So that makes four kids. It's actually kind of fun to see people's reactions when we are out. It ranges from sympathy all the way to the bizzare(one strange man actually smiled a crazy smile at us and congradulated Tom and said, man, you guys just keep making more people! Then he started laughing. And this was just with our own three.) ( We think he was drunk.). Four really isn't all that many. Think about the days when people regularly had 14 children or more! I remind myself of this when I'm feeling sorry for myself because of my workload.
My Mom has terrible trouble keeping straight her own three kids' names-holy cow, try doing it with 14!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Very Young American Idol? Or a Judge!

Today Leanna was singing a Hannah Montanna song and when she finished the song, Timothy yelled out, "You're going to Hollywood!"

(We've been watching a bit of American Idol lately)
(Now which judge would Timothy be?)

I'm soooo over this!

I wish I had the money to do a belly cast, I think it'd be a fun momento, especially with how big I am this time.
I had an ultrasound last week, I saw hair on the baby's head, saw the lips moving, I even saw the three arteries of blood moving through the cord! It's such a neat thing to see! I chose not to know the sex. At this point, what's a little bit more wait? The baby's measurements are more consistant with week 38 (out of 40) she estimated the baby's weight at 7 1/2 pounds already. She said her measurements are within a half pound accurate. So either it's just a really big baby or the due date is off.

****However, the same technician also said Justin was measuring two weeks ahead of his date and since I was absolutely certain of the date (I kept track), we were worried he was going to be a really big baby. He was born one day off his due date and he weighed in at 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Not huge. So obviously her measurements can be off. But she was grouchy, so I didn't mention it to her.*******

So, we could be having this baby in a few weeks or sooner.  I absolutely cannot wait.  I am sooo over the pregnancy thing.  I have terrible trouble sleeping, sometime I can't even get a comfortable position to sit in, my energy level is non-existant, it's giving me back pain, and I'm so tired of little people banging into my (oversensitive) stomache!   Even walking through our tiny kitchen can be difficult with this big belly.  I've always said, I HATE pregnancy, but LOVE the end result! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Word Quote

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used. -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., jurist (1841-1935)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Saying goodnite tonight, Timothy said to my belly, "I love you now, but I'll love you more when you come out!"
He and Justin both like to say goodnite to the baby, and sometimes Leanna will as well. 
:  )

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby Names

Workin' on the baby names thing again.  Timothy asked me tonight if he and I could pick the baby's name.  He constantly asks how many days til the baby comes.  They all get a kick out of feeling the baby move.  Everyone's looking forward to this child! 
Boy names are such a pain for us though!  For example, he likes Damian.  I don't mind the name itself, but wouldn't want it because so many people associate it with 70s Horror movies (the Omen and Excorsist).  I wouldn't want all the jokes about a devil child!  Just about every name I like, he doesn't, and vice-versa.  Tom says if it's a boy we'll just call it "Boy."  Time's running out, we have to find something!!

Just sayin'

A comment I saw, something I think many people don't even think about when the debate about having children comes up.

"One of my dad’s professors in med school told the class that they should all have large families in order to bring up the avg IQ or something like that. Now I feel the same way sometimes - has anyone seen Idiocracy?" 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The IRS made a reasonable choice!

This is great, but I worry that the people who most need the financial help will not be able to take advantage of this.  I am not a person who understands legal speak, but it looks like you would have to set up a spending account for pumps (& related equipment) or if you don't have a flexible spending account you can only deduct it if medical costs exceed 7.5% of your medical costs.  Most lower income women are not itemizing or listing medical costs, I would guess.  This would mainly affect middle (or upper middle) class women or wealthy women who don't truly need the deduction.  Still a victory though.  Remember when it was pointed out that insurance would cover viagra, but not birth control? 
IRS says breast pumps tax deductible expense

February 10, 2011 2:09 PM ET.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The cost of breast pumps will now be considered tax-deductible medical expenses under a ruling issued by the Internal Revenue Service Thursday.
The ruling, long sought by advocates, means that women will be able to use money set aside in pretax spending accounts to buy the pumps and related equipment, which can cost several hundred dollars. For women without flexible spending accounts, the cost of pumps will be tax deductible if their total medical costs exceed 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income.
Previously, the IRS considered breast pumps to be feeding equipment, not medical devices. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics argued that breastfeeding has many medical benefits for both mother and baby. Advocates hope that making breast pumps more affordable will enable more women to breastfeed longer.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that women breastfeed their babies for at least a year.
"Unfortunately, due to financial restraints and work demands, not all women are afforded the opportunity to nurse their children, despite the proven health benefits," the academy said in a 2009 letter to IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman that was also signed by nine other medical groups. "In order to continue to breastfeed successfully, millions of mothers working outside the house require a breast pump.
Last year, 45 members of Congress wrote the IRS to protest its classification of breast pumps. On Thursday, several issued a statement praising the new ruling. They were Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa.
"Today's decision is a huge victory for nursing mothers everywhere. Modern medicine has documented numerous health benefits linked to breastfeeding, including a reduced risk of illness in infants and a reduced risk of cancer in mothers," the lawmakers said in a statement. "And because breastfeeding is so effective in preventing disease, it also happens to save billions in health care costs."

I just realized........

I'll have to change my pithy profile description of me on the blog, it currently reads: Married poor mother of four! 
Any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Guess who's got a loose tooth? (finally!)

Guess who's finally got a loose tooth?

He's so proud, he was wiggling it all night! I just cannot believe how big he's getting!!
Justin's our outdoor boy, he doesn't care if no one else will come out with him-he will be out there playing in the snow all by himself.  (Leanna likes to go out, but only if someone else will come play with her.  And Timothy goes out but doesn't stay for long, he gets cold very easily and loses interest.  Jacob doesn't go out much now because the yard is pretty much a sheet of ice and he can't keep his balance).  I can't believe he'll be seven this summer! 

Doggie love, Igloos, and warm soup......

Timothy and Curly
 Timothy & Justin in the igloo/ice-castle (depends which kid you ask) Leanna and Justin built yesterday.
 Justin, about to throw a snowball at me
Leanna warming up with a bowl of soup and a book

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie........

Jacob Loved the Ladybug Girl book (library book).   Here he is reading it to himself.  
 Justin and I, flanked by a few "Aunt Cindy blankets"  read an old classic today, one of his favorite books.  I have fond memories of it myself because it was one I often read to a very young Claire.  I remember getting her a "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie " cookbook that came with a mouse cookie cutter! 
 Justin even shared a cookie with the mouse.
But the cookie was too good to leave for the mouse!  Justin thinks that Chocolate chip cookies go great with any book!

Saturday, February 05, 2011



Author unknown

To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out to others is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.

But risks must be taken,
because the greatest hazard in life is to do nothing.
The person who risks nothing,
does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.

They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.
Chained by their attitudes, they are a slave,

they forfeited their freedom.
Only the person who risks can be free.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Broke, not Broken

Another post I enjoyed about a family who is "broke, not broken."     This one hits really close to home, although they actually sound like they are a little better off than we are right now. 
So far, we're all still healthy.  So far, we have four wonderfully affectionate, curious, lovable, beautiful children.  We have family that love us.  And for the time being, we have a roof over our heads.  We have no idea what the future holds.  Though we struggle with it, we're not yet broken. 

On a side note: I love that she channels her inner Caroline Ingalls!  I've always thought that woman did get enough credit for all she endured, and so peacefully too.  While it's clear her daughter loves her, Laura really adores her father, and there is nothing wrong with that, but I notice that so many of her mother's accomplishments are glossed over.  As the author points out, I too think she was a good role model as a mother/wife.

Edit: I Love this comment someone left:
2-04-2011 @ 12:13PM

kphiatt said...
I use the WWCID method of discernment all the time! I love her plucky, love is all we need, things will be just fine, we will persevere attitude! I have also been known to employ the thinking of Miss Spider and Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, as needed, though never, ever, ever that of Caillou's mother. I have my standards!

A Reminder of How Lucky We Are.......

Tired of the Long Winter? Let Laura Ingalls Wilder Put Things in Perspective for You

by Christopher Healy 

When even kids start complaining about the snow, you know we've had a tough winter. But it could be much, much worse. And if you need to remind your children of that fact, read them "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The sixth –- and, in my opinion, best -– of the Little House books, chronicles the excruciating, blizzard-filled season of 1880 in the Dakota Territory. Don't let the illustration of sledding, snowball-making kids on the cover fool you -– this book is terrifying. After making it through a full reading, you and your kids might all be looking at this year's snowfalls in a different light.
It's not just that the actual weather detailed in the book is awful (and it is, believe me), it's the language Ms. Wilder uses to talk about it that makes "The Long Winter" so harrowing. She writes some of the best, most visceral descriptions of cold ever seen in literature. And when she applies her way with words to the suspenseful plot about her stranded town's dwindling supplies and increasingly harsh conditions, you get a thriller with Mother Nature as the villain.
When your kids gripe about the difficulties this current long winter poses, treat them to some of the following scenes from Wilder's story.

1. If your kids complains about having to walk to school on a snowy day: Remind them that, in order to make sure they didn't lose any students, Laura and her classmates had to walk hand-in-hand, making a human chain as they trudged through a blinding whiteout.

2. If your kids complain about how cold it is: Remind them that Laura was thankful for temperatures of 20 below zero, because they're so much more comfortable than the 40-below temperatures experienced days earlier. We're talking temperatures so frigid that grazing cows got their heads frozen to the ground!

3. If your kids complain about having to adhere to their bedtimes, even on a snow day: Remind them that Laura's entire family had to go to bed the moment the sun went down, because it was pitch black and they didn't have a drop of kerosene left to even light a lamp.

4. If you kids complain that you won't crank the thermostat up to 75: Remind them that Laura's family of six had to huddle around their stove –- the only source of heat in the house -– as blizzard-force winds rattled windows, whistled through gaps in the walls, and blew a carpet of snow in under the front door.

5. If your kids complain that spring hasn't arrived yet: Remind them that the Ingalls family didn't get to celebrate Christmas until the weather finally cleared up -- in May.

On second thought, maybe this isn't the best idea. My fingers are numbing up as I type this. Reading is all about escapism, right? Maybe we should all read something a bit warmer. Did Wilder ever write "Little House on Waikiki?"

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I would have loved this......

Adorable, and not too bad at $20.00, check out this little Librarian kit
Why do I find so many cute gifts AFTER Christmas?  And think of ideas for gifts for people who left me stumped when I was looking?  Why is that?


Ha, what your toddler's haircut says about you.

This is baloney, in my opinion, but cute.  LOL at the "Big Chunk Missing-You foster independence in your kids, and you will pay for it." 
Well, that one's true, though they don't all have chunks of hair missing.