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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Info if you're trying to save

If you touch it you will buy it.......something to consider if you're trying to save money. Look down at the bottom, there's a bunch of interesting links. (Cutting dementia risk, finger length precicting sucess, visiting family warps your brain, etc.)


That's the address, I don't know why, blogger won't let me fix it-it keeps adding to the address. I keep taking it off but when I publish it, it's back again!!

Belly Buttons

Belly Buttons may cue potential mate

I couldn't resist this one, in light of the popularity of my post on Timothy's belly button-it's still getting hits every single day!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Did you know?

Right now women without children make 90 cents to a man's dollar, mothers make 73 cents, and single moms make only about 60 cents to a man's dollar. Passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is a great step forward, but we still have a long road ahead of us to reach truly fair pay.

So please take a moment to thank Congress for making this first step forward and tell them that you support continued work towards fair pay for women:


I took pictures of the pages of the Family fun magazine pages that I mentioned before-this is why I asked for cereal boxes, oatmeal and tea boxes, etc.

My strong boys

Their favorite recent excersize.........

useing Grammy's arms as monkey bars. Justin is particularly adept at these sport, Timothy is just beginning to catch on.

(I wish we could afford a "Y" membership and classes-I'd put them all in gymnastics! )

Just so everyone knows.......

Proud again

Usually I just get vague comments like, Great work! So stuff like this is just music to my ears!

food and drink

A cup of "tea" Justin made. He drank all the water, that's the leftover stuff. (It was water with sugar. Or the reverse, really).
A delicious lemon barI made last week. I got a few of these when I worked at BNN-maybe that's where Justin got his love of lemon from? I was pregnant with him while I worked there. These were better though, not stale like the ones at Starbucks!
The recipie was here.

Married and they like each other???

I ran accross this one and have to agree, it is nice to see a couple who truly seem to like each other (but not in a Cindy Mccain stepford kind of way)

The Obamas: A more perfect union
Did you see the way she was looking at him as he was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States? Did you see how many times throughout the inauguration he touched her and she touched him. A reassuring pat on the shoulder. A loving embrace. As they walked along the parade route, she tightly squeezed his hand with a huge smile across her face. Barack and Michelle Obama are hot, despite being married for 16 years and having two children. And my God, I think our new president and his wife actually have sex. Could they possibly be in love? I think so.

Barack and Michelle sitting in a tree: K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
One of the greatest benefits of an Obama presidency is so often forgotten but it's right out there in plain sight: the healthy relationship between Michelle and Barack. Married couples rejoice! We finally have a positive role model. This is refreshing after the litany of past political couples' dysfunctional relationships. The Clintons, the Spitzers, and even the Kennedys, who almost never held hands or showed affection in public.
The Obamas aren't afraid of PDA. Remember when Barack won the Democratic nomination? The frisky couple were all over each other--and so were supporters celebrating the victory. The news networks started showing footage of couples smooching at Obama parties all over the country. The New York Daily News even predicted that there would be a baby boom if Obama won the election. And now that he has won the election, do you think his healthy marriage will trickle down? Will his romantic relationship with his wife inspire us all to start holding hands again? Can our new president save our world--and our marriages?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

a favorite?

I love this one: On my favorite child

Cursive writting being phased out?

Is cursive writting a thing of the past?

Except for the waking up early one.......

Thirty Things I Believe

As heard on NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday, January 18, 2009.

I believe life is good.
I believe God is in everything.
I believe we’re all equal.
I believe we can help people.
I believe everyone is weird in their own way.
I believe hate is a cause for love.
I believe that when I meditate I feel peaceful.
I believe we should be generous.
I believe brothers and sisters should be kind to each other.
I believe kids should respect their parents.
I believe I should not whine.
I believe people should wake up early.
I believe people should go outside more.
I believe in nature.
I believe people should use less trees.
I believe we should help the Arctic and rainforest animals.
I believe people shouldn’t throw litter on the ground.
I believe people should not smoke.
I believe God is in good and bad.
I believe in magic.
I believe people should not give up.
I believe love is everywhere.
I believe that God helps us to have a good time.
I believe we live best in a community.
I believe we can protect people in danger.
I believe we should help the poor.
I believe it's okay to die but not to kill.
I believe war should not have started.
I believe war should stop.
I believe we can make peace.

Seven-year-old Tarak McLain was born in Thailand and lives with his family in Austin, Texas. He collects and hands out food to the homeless, raises money for orphans and impoverished schools, reads about the world's religions, and listens to public radio.Independently produced for NPR by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman with John Gregory and Viki Merrick.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our backup plan

Justin and Timothy were asking about money and why we have to pay for things like rent. I explained that if we didn't pay rent we wouldn't be able to live here. Justin asked where we would live. Timothy immediately suggested "a doghouse." "With a tiny little blanket," he added. Well alrighty then.


Why is it that when your money is in the negative, that's when everyone has sales on stuff you could actually use and that's when you run across things you would LOVE to have. I mean, I'm even finding perfect birthday and Christmas presents that I would normally get and save for the occasion but now I can't! Very frustrating!!

Watch tv online

Awesome-maybe now I can catch up on the 5 million episodes I haven't seen (because my husband rolls his eyes and quick changes the channel whenever he sees it on!).

J & K Online.

A good idea, but will anyone embrace it?

A post from Katie Allison Granju (I've been meaning to put this up. The title is linked to her post if you want to read the comments people left.):

Obama's call for voluntary modesty as patriotism

I, like many others I've spoken to and heard interviewed, was very moved by President Obama's explicit call to responsibility and sacrifice in his Inaugural address.
Yes, I thought to myself. He's right. We need to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
But then, of course, I wondered exactly what "work" I could engage in to answer that call. Was he encouraging me to offer more volunteer hours, as when President Kennedy inspired young people to join the Peace Corps? Or was he calling for something more fundamental and lifechanging - a radical shift in the way Americans view entitlement and privilege?
I tend to think he meant the latter.
What will that mean for me? For my family? I believe what Obama is asking of us is a return to voluntary moderation in America. We are coming out of an era when families making $35,000 a year drove $35,000 cars, while living in $350,000 houses. Of course, the credit binge that allowed these numbers to work (for a time) finally hit the wall, and now we are all suffering.
Not too many decades ago, families who could well afford to buy food still grew their own gardens, just because it was cheaper. "Why spend money when you didn't have to" was the way they saw it. Families who could stretch and afford a bigger house remained in the 1200 square foot bungalow, because it was less stressful than pushing their financial resources to the limit to trade up, and because it was home. This is what I call voluntary modesty.
My children's great-grandfather was a high school dropout, who became a millionaire by the time he died in 2004 by buying and selling small houses. But you never would have known of his wealth, because he drove older cars that were paid for, wore clothes until they couldn't be patched up any further, and never moved from the modest South Knoxville rancher he built for his family in the 1950s. He chose a life of voluntary modesty. There was nothing lacking in his life; he never did without. But he chose to live within his means. In his modesty, he saved enough money that his grandchildren and great-grandchildren have been blessed with private school educations - that he paid for. His life provides an excellent example for how voluntary modesty has a ripple effect throughout society - he never bought himself a Mercedes, but he made sure the people he loved had a better education.
Americans are an ambitious people. We are always going to want something bigger, better, faster and more powerful. But that quest to have more has increasingly become all about stuff - McMansions and consumer goods - instead of about actually accumulating real wealth. We are raising a generation of children who think of $25 as pocket change, and who own more gadgets and goodies than children even 30 years ago would have imagined possible. I grew up in a middle class family, where a new toy was an exciting event. My children have so many toys that they don't even notice them coming and going any more. There is something really wrong with that.
I am just as guilty as anyone else of getting too wrapped up in consumerism; just a few weeks ago, I bought my husband a giant flat screen TV when our old, smaller TV actually worked just fine. I have an auto loan on a car I bought new two years ago. But I am doing some serious thinking about our lifestyle, and about choosing to live more modestly as a conscious act of patriotism. I don't think this has to mean deprivation; instead, it means being sure that we can really, truly afford the stuff we buy, and that debt doesn't become the driving force in our financial lives.
Obama's call to voluntary moderation was also a solicitation to all of us to put people before things, meaning that maybe we won't take that job paying more in another city if it will take us away from the elderly grandparent who needs help. This is how it starts at home, while truly accessible healthcare and higher education for all Americans is what "people before things means" at the societal level.
I believe Obama's call to action was a call to re-orient ourselves, and our children back toward a lifestyle of voluntary modesty - a lifestyle in which we choose to better live within our means in order to better secure our nation's financial stability and moral health.
But I am curious. What do you believe his speech meant? What is he asking us to do when he spoke of the need to now put away "childish things." And what do you think Americans will realistically be willing to do?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jacob's skin

I was looking at the wikipedia page for eczema today because I wanted to see if it had anything that would explain Jacob's current almost normal skin condition. My theory is that since eczema is the immune system attacking the body, since his immune system has been kept so busy lately, it stopped attacking his body in favor of attacking the sickness. So his skin is now so smooth-way better than when he's on the drugs. Only his head seems to be still bothering him. And even that's way down. Too bad he's so miserable.

Anyway I ran across this, which is good to know!

In June, 2007, Science magazine reported that an American soldier who had been vaccinated for smallpox, a vaccine that contains live vaccinia virus, had transmitted vaccinia virus to his two-year-old son.[48] The soldier and his son both had a history of eczema. The son rapidly came down with a rare side effect, eczema vaccinatum, which had been seen during the 1960s when children were routinely vaccinated against smallpox. The child developed a severe full-body pustular rash, his abdomen filled with fluid, and his kidneys nearly failed. Intense consultation with experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a donation of an experimental antiviral drug by SIGA Technologies saved the child's life. Those with a family history of eczema are advised not to accept the smallpox vaccination, or anything else that contains live vaccinia virus.

Cheaper Soap

I thought this was interesting. The morning call runs a section on Sundays called On The CHEAP that highlights a reader submitted tip on ways to save money. Some I don't find useful, but they're interesting to read, nonetheless. This week's was about soap for washing your hands. Might be worth trying, the handsoaps you buy are always rediculously thick. You probably need only a quarter of the amount that comes out, it's so concentrated.
If you're interested, here's the story.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I hate being sick!

We've been-and still are-sick here.
I crashed on Friday, after feeling only a slight ache in my throat most of the week. Leanna had been sick for just the morning last Sunday, fine by the afternoon, and Timothy got sick Sunday afternoon through Wednesday. Jacob is still sick, but not as bad as the worst two days. Though he did have a three hour period today where he cried non-stop today(Sunday). I was wondering if maybe he had an ear infection, but then I got him to sleep and after he woke up he was normal for being sick. (If that makes sense to you).
Friday afternoon I crashed big time. I felt like I wanted to die. Puking at one in the morning and everything!! Saturday afternoon I started to feel a bit better. I went to bed early (for me) and woke up with only a runny nose. Everything else was gone. Halleluja! Timothy's started throwing up occasionally again, but is otherwise normal. Justin, Leanna, and Timothy all have a cough though. But Justin and Leanna don't show any signs of sickness other than the cough. Is that confusing enough for you?

Thanks to my Mom and sister who came over for an hour or two (not sure, my head was fuzzy) on Friday and let me go lay down upstairs with my sickest baby, Jacob.

I cannot wait to be done with all the sickness and the extra cleaning (washing and rewashing sheets and clothes with throw-up, sheets and blankets, washclothes, getting rid of piles of tissues, etc.) and all the mess that built up while I've been sick and taking care of the sick!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


an article about memory in humans (not just infants, like in the section below)

"To test the abilities of the tiniest babies, researchers take advantage of the infant sucking reflex. When they are given a pacifier that controls what they see or hear, depending on how fast they suck, babies just days old will adjust their sucking rates to spend more time looking at a picture of mom's face, or listening to the words of a book she read aloud in her pregnancy. The fact that a baby recognizes what is familiar to her (and prefers to see and hear her parents) means that, in some form, she is storing memories of her experiences right from the start. "

With regards to today's quote of the day....

I would like to thank my entire family, not just immediate, but my entire family. Thank you, thank you very much!

(Inserty wry grin here)

Thank everyone who calls out your faults, your anger, your impatience, your egotism; do this consciously, voluntarily. -Jean Toomer, poet and novelist (1894-1967)from

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm in there too!!

A woman sitting next to us at Tony's told me, "I didn't want to tell your husband, but all those kids look like you!" Ha!
(Actually, I see it with Justin and Jacob, but not so much with Leanna and Timothy).
This amuses me though because Tom refuses to acknowledge that they look like me at all. That's the second time in the past two months a stranger has told me that.

Earlier, the couple had commented, oh you have twins! (Justin and Timothy) And were quite surprised to hear that they weren't.

A request

We just got the valentine's edition of Family Fun magazine (which I highly recommend, it's inexpensive and full of easy crafts and family ideas) and they have instructions on how to make a fire station playset from boxes. It looks like something Timothy would LOVE and would be really fun for us to make. He was upset that we couldn't make it right away. But I don't have the materials I'm requesting that anyone who can get these items to me, please save some for us!

The items needed:
cereal boxes, egg cartons, plastic coffee can lids, tea boxes, oatmeal boxes, aluminum foil boxes, plastic lids (especially if they have a brim!)

If you are a subscriber to the magazine you can sign up for digital access as well.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leanna's cure for the economy

Leanna's reading a book about Kit, an American Girl who lived during the depression. The book gives a brief overview of what caused the depression, and I mentioned how that was very much like things now. Justin immediately started asking questions.....questions that are not easy to answer at his level. I did the best I could. Then Leanna said she knew how to fix things! She'll start at Lemonaide stand (or a juice stand or something like that) and people will buy stuff and we'll give them change so they'll have money and we'll have money! It would get better for everyone!

I told her she should write that in her letter to the president that she's finishing today.

Speaking of children's photography..........

Recent trends in our family's photography: This is from Justin's camera. What a beautiful clear picture of...the tv! Hopefully this trend will be shortlived.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

cute story of a fellow photographer

A cute story from parentdish. Makes me smile particularly because Leanna is aware of the president's daughters. In school they talk about the president and his children, especially because Sasha is 7, just like Leanna and her class. They did watch the inauguration and are finishing letters to the president today in school.

Malia Obama - Official White House Photographer

Of all the moving and historic moments during yesterday's inaugural celebration for President Barack Obama, perhaps the most charming of all was watching 11-year-old Malia Obama take what appeared to be a digital movie of her dad, using her little purple camera.The First Shutterbug was spotted at pre-inaugural events with several different point-and-shoot cameras, including Monday night's Kids' Inaugural Concert, where she snapped photos of the Jonas Brothers. Apparently, Malia also handed a little silver model off to Vice President Joseph Biden, perhaps because he had a better view of the popular teen heartthrobs. Her camera of choice for the big day, however, was a grape-colored Kodak EasyShare M893.There was something so touching -- and very real -- about watching this little girl take photographs of her father as he was sworn in as the nation's 44th president, and it's first African-American leader. While there are reams and reams of news footage of the event, Malia captured a perspective of the event unique to her -- that of a proud daughter.I can't help but wonder what she'll do with all her digital memories. Flickr account, as The New York Times suggested? MySpace or Facebook profile? Will she start her own blog? I can't imagine the Secret Service would be down with a virtual window into the White House.At the very least, that little girl is going to have one heck of a scrapbook.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jacob, at 18 months old

Jacob is now 18 months old. He now speaks in two to three word sentences, and occasionally four word. I can give him some commands, like, "put this in the garbage" or "take this to Justin" and he will do it. He's started counting a little bit. He loves to flirt with the teachers at Leanna's school.
He's quite the little stinker-into everything! He loves to play with outlets, to plug and unplug stuff. NO I DO NOT LET HIM DO THIS, I find him at it and stop him! Over and over! Justin also STILL has a huge fascination with outlets and plugs. Jacob climbs windows, chairs, tables. He loves to turn off the tv or change the channel. Much to his father's annoyance, he also likes to take the remote and hide it. He's recently begun throwing my coffee/tea mugs-which I find so odd-his older brothers also went through a stage where they did that! Jacob hasn't seen either one of them do it, so it's not like he's copying their behavior. (So take note, the cup-throwing gene must come from their father's side of the family!) He also has entered the taking off his diaper phase. It's not a consistant thing, just every now and then. Every morning that I am not awake before him, Jacob will climb off the bed and proceed to take everything off my nightstand, unplug my clock/radio, and turn on and off the air-conditioner.
He also really likes to dance and will often sing too. His dancing is either him bopping his little head from side to side or else he will stand and sway from side to side with his legs out stifly. It's adorable. He's also incredibly affectionate with his siblings. I've quite frequently seen him hugging them, particularly Justin. Right now Justin's name is the word Jacob uses the most. He's been letting Leanna hold him while she bounces him on the excersize ball and puts him to sleep that way. Unfortunately he always wakes up when she tries to set him down. He's still a very smiley, happy guy. The only problem is his excema-that still keeps him awake at night. I will ne so happy if we find a solution to get rid of it. Since his is so bad, I doubt it will go away on it's own.

Dinosaur Love

Last night I was reading to the kids from Justin's new dinosaur book. It was a Christmas present I got from Borders bargain books for $3.99-it's 11 models to make and play scenes plus the story/info. I was worried it was a little too old for him, some of the language used is a bit difficult. He is loving it though, and Leanna was enjoying it too. Sometimes it can be a bit annoying to read Justin a story because he interrupts you so many times to ask questions. He is very observant and wants to know about everything!!

Anyway, I thought it was cute that he commented, as I was in the middle of reading, why are dinosaurs so neat!?
Then later we were reading about a herd of Apatosaurus being watched by a hungry Allosaurus. We'd just had a big discussion on herbivores, carnivores, and omnimores so I asked Justin if he knew why the Allosaurus was watching the Apatosaurus. He happily replied, "Because they're so neat!" LOL.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Crafts and crafty gifts

This year Claire got creative for Christmas presents since she didn't have money to buy things. She painted both sides of these wooden pieces for the kids-I took a picture of both sides.
The bottom two pictures are some stuff Leanna and I made with model magic last week. She really loved the whale-we both worked on that one. Unfortunately it was later destroyed. We do have more model magic though, so maybe another time we can make an improved model.

Fun from the last storm

Note the common theme here: Jacob, running away as fast as he can! I could not shovel the sidewalk and watch him at the same time! I kept putting him up on the porch to buy me about a minute (or less) until he got down the steps and was off and running again.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

For posterity

A record of their height as of January 2009. Well, relative height anyway, Timothy wouldn't stand completly still and straight for me.

I'm ba-aack!!

I don't know if it'll last, but for now, I'm back! (This may change in a few weeks or next month when the bill's due again, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed)
Oh internet, how I have missed you!!
I can read email and blogs and listen to my playlist!! I can prove to my husband that that actress is way too young to be the one from back to the future! I can prove that no the original of that song is by a totally different artist! Last night my husband was able to look up info on a job a friend got them-not realizing that it needed a wet bed underneath-something neither one of them has ever done! Doh! He found instructions on the internet! Yes, I am definitely in love with the internet, and am very very happy to have it back.

(Now if anyone knows someone who needs some remodeling or needs something repaired, especially if they need a kitchen or bathroom remodel!!, please give us a call! I would be just out of my mind happy if I could pay all my bills!!!!!)

Friday, January 09, 2009

Blogging on the fly

I'm posting from my Mom's computer, I don't have internet for a consider this blog on hold for a bit.

Sunday, January 04, 2009


I've been getting a fair amount of pictures like this lately! Can you tell who it is?

More presents

Jacob playing with a new puzzle, amidst the Christmas splendor. And the butcher's table (I guess that's what you'd call it) that Tom made me, along with the maple cutting board on top that he made me also.


I'm slowly beginning to put away our Christmas presents, and to use some of them. We were fortunate enough to get lots of craft, or craft-related gifts this year. And lots of things to play with. Here are pictures of Justin wearing his new superhero cape and playing with Timothy's new Thomas the Train firehouse, Timothy and his racecar track, Leanna playing with her new bear paperdoll/colorforms, and Timothy holding Leanna's puzzle.


Leanna's been having a lot of nightmares about bears recently. This is not the first period where that happened. I just looked it up in a dream dictionary and this is what it says:

To see a bear in your dream, symbolizes independence, the cycle of life, death and renewal. It may signal of period of introspection and thinking. The dream may also be a pun on "bare". Perhaps you need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open.
To dream that you are being pursued or attacked by a bear, denotes aggression, overwhelming obstacles and competition. You may find yourself in a threatening situation.
To see a polar bear in your dream, signifies a reawakening.
**See The Meaning In Action: "Polar Bears" & "Bear In A Field"

Bear: Victory over enemies. Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind.

Friday, January 02, 2009

More quotes:

Quotations from Notable Persons Who Saw Problems in Schooling:

From my grandfather's father, [I learned] to dispense with attendance at public schools, and to enjoy good teachers at home, and to recognize that on such things money should be eagerly spent.Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Roman Emperor from March 7, A.D. 161 to March 17, A.D. 180), Meditations Book I, verse 4

School has been a waste of time for a long time, and the world's best learners have long known that. Here is what some of them say:

I believe that school makes complete fools of our young men, because they see and hear nothing of ordinary life there.Petronius, Satyricon

I have not the least doubt that school developed in me nothing but what was evil and left the good untouched.Edward Grieg, quoted in Henry T. Fink, Grieg and His Music (1929), page 8

I remember that I was never able to get along at school. I was always at the foot of the class.Thomas Edison, quoted in Matthew Josephson, Edison: A Biography (1959), page 20

School days, I believe, are the unhappiest in the whole span of human existence.H.L. Mencken
[Schools:] vast factories for the manufacture of robots.Robert Lindner (1914-1956)

Show me the man who has enjoyed his schooldays and I will show you a bully and a bore.Robert Morley, Robert Morley: Responsible Gentleman (1966)

Education, the great mumbo jumbo and fraud of the age purports to equip us to live and is prescribed as a universal remedy for everything from juvenile delinquency to premature senility.Malcolm Muggeridge, quoted in The Observer (1966)

No wonder that biographers have discovered that hundreds of thoughtful, creative, diligent human beings who later became famous hated school:
Rejection of the classroom is an international phenomenon and has little to do with whether the schools are public or private, secular or clerical, or with the philosophy of teaching employed in the various schools.Victor Goertzel and Mildred George Goertzel Cradles of Eminence (1962)
So it's no wonder at all that perceptive teachers are among those most skeptical about the effects of school:
Together we have come to realize that for most men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school.Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society (1971) (In saying "we," Illich is referring to his fellow teacher, Everett Reimer, author of School Is Dead (1974).)

Teaching means different things in different places, but seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills. They constitute a national curriculum you pay for in more ways than you can imagine, so you might as well know what it is. . . . 1. Confusion. 2. Class Position. 3. Indifference. 4. Emotional Dependency. 5. Intellectual Dependency. 6. Provisional Self-Esteem. 7. One Can't Hide. . . . It is the great triumph of compulsory government monopoly mass-schooling that among even the best of my fellow teachers, and among even the best of my students' parents, only a small number can imagine a different way to do things. John Taylor Gatto, speech on accepting 1991 New York State teacher of the year award, reprinted in Gatto's Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1992), pages 1-12.
[Quotations from Notable Persons Who Saw Problems in Schooling page last revised 24 December 1997]

A bit of wisdom...

I love this quote, I think it's very true.

Here's another remarkable bit of wisdom from a lovely book by John A. Taylor - Notes On An Unhurried Journey, Avalon Publishing Group (originally published by Four Walls Eight Windows):
"When we adults think of children, there is a simple truth which we ignore: childhood is not preparation for life, childhood is life. A child isn't getting ready to live - a child is living. The child is constantly confronted with the nagging question, "What are you going to be?" Courageous would be the youngster who, looking the adult squarely in the face, would say, "I'm not going to be anything; I already am." We adults would be shocked by such an insolent remark for we have forgotten, if indeed we ever knew, that a child is an active participating and contributing member of society from the time he is born. Childhood isn't a time when he is molded into a human who will then live life; he is a human who is living life. No child will miss the zest and joy of living unless these are denied him by adults who have convinced themselves that childhood is a period of preparation.
How much heartache we would save ourselves if we would recognize the child as a partner with adults in the process of living, rather than always viewing him as an apprentice. How much we would teach each other...adults with the experience and children with the freshness. How full both our lives could be. A little child may not lead us, but at least we ought to discuss the trip with him for, after all, life is his and her journey, too." - Professor T. Ripaldi